After their time on the towel it was time to move them into solo cups. After only 16 hrs after transplant two PBs were already sprouting and the rest weren't far behind! Fed a half strength Nectar for the Gods nutrient solution at 6.3 pH for first week.
@Ketamine, Thank you!! So I actually am not using all nutrients listed at the same times. The photo p and bloom khaos (accounting for 50 mil out of 131 ml/gal) are not used in every feeding and the Herculean Harvest/Demeters Destiny I use in varying degrees as needed to tie up any excess salts or insoluble nutrients left over from previous feeds. So 400 PPM +/- 10% is usually around where I end up using RO. I use bloom khaos as a foliar and photo p on every tea day (I follow a feed-feed-tea, feed-feed-HH flush schedule, feeding approx .5 gal every 48 hrs but increasing to .7 gal as we enter late flower and they get thirstier)