Lovin' the Blumats 💞💞💞...still dialin em in but yea I love em. Added 2 aloe vera leaves and 2 oz. Aloe powder to the res to give all the girls a couple weeks of a weak aloe drip. The filter is doin it's job so far keeping the system clear 🤞.
They stretching like crazy. I'm gonna leave the bottom trellis off so that it's easier to get in and out to adjust the blumats.
Hand watered in about 6 oz of bokashi tea diluted in a gal of water. Split it evenly thru out the 16 pots.
No more foliar spraying to be done so I'm actually kinda bored this run. Not much for me to do...😁😁😁...got nematodes otw and my bloom booster that I will use as a top dress. 24 pounds of Dr. Earth flower power or maybe it's flower girl🤷. Whatever.
So far so good...almost too good it's making me nervous lol.
@WolverineGreens, Thank you sir. I think mammoth p is alright. I used to add it once a week with my feed but now I use it in my weekly teas. A little goes a long way, I was dumb and bought a bigger bottle thinking I could save a little bit of cash but the bottle will expire before I will be half way through.