Diary Start
Germintion week July15-22
July 14/21
Let's hope this journey ends with a trip.
Into the vault we go for Barney's L.S.D
I'm excited for this.
2 seeds Out of the chill and will allow to regulate temp for a day.
July 15/21 will be paper towel method start.
Subcools Supersoil Recipe with 1 cup Abundant bloom and Herb thrive also added to mix as I have an extra bag or so and a little extra zest may not hurt.
Has been prepped and beginning to cook. 6 weeks is the plan.
From here on in, water only and a monthly tea should suffice. Clean, well water and periodic ph test using Bluelab Soil Ph Pen.
Will begin few days under sunblaster t5 nanodome, then under 100/200w t5 before moving to final home under the SP3000 x2 and will be paired with another notable I have finally acquired.
Solo Cup - 1.5g fabric - undecided 5,7,10g smart pot. We'll see.
July 17
Nearly 48hrs and starting out promising
July 18
In to Solo cups with Pro-mix BX
July 20
About 1 inch above soil.
Being placed under lighting now.
July 22 - Day 7
Smooth start so far