Hey all. So we ended week 3 for the younger plant and she is already putting out pistils! The older plant finished week 5 and is putting out hella pistils as well. Both at 50,000-60,000 lux. The bigger plant is experiencing what I think is some moisture loss, but damn is it hard to get the humidity up. I really don't want to buy a humidifier, but I may have no choice soon. I put out some big drip trays with water in them, but I don't think they'll be enough. I wonder how long it will take these girls to finish, but I don't think it will be long. We shall see!
Going to do 1/2 veg 1/2 bloom nutes this coming week.
I repotted a bit late. Going to start in solo cups and go straight to 3 gallon next time. 1 gallon pots are not worth the effort because they just grow so quickly!! I suspect the flowering is related to the later repotting. Live and learn!
I ended up repotting the bigger plant. I think it is actually about two weeks ahead of the other plant. Judging by the roots, it was time. People on RIU cautioned me that autos have to be repotted early. I don't think I was too late, but we shall see!
@Jeff78, I will keep this in mind, but some folks on Roll It Up would disagree with you. I'm going to try solo cup --> 1 gallon --> 3 gallon and see how it goes
Hang in there. It's all good. Something else to consider is using a medium you don't have to ammend. Most premix organic mediums will have adequate nutes for 60ish days and then you feed it right at start of flower and you're golden. It's a learning thing and you've taught me something.
You may be able to save the older one too by attempting to prune the roots and feed her dechlorinated tap water. They could have nutrient lock as well. If you need some seed in a month or so direct message me and we can figure something out.
Adding NPK might help at this stage have you checked the ph of the run out?? If the ph in your water is off they will got into nutrient lock out and it won't matter what nutrients you try they won't be able to absorb it
I hope you manage to get the issue sorted
Hola hermano! Lamentó el amarillamiento de las plantas, como te comentaron e muy probable que tu suelo y Tenía sales y al agregarle más se bloquearon las raíces, tienes que hacer un riego abundante de agua previamente medir ph y ec y luego recoger el tu de la ecorrentia y medir de nuevo ph y ec para saber cómo e encuentran las raíces,
Por otro lado porque dices eso del jugo de limon? Cual es el efecto negativo ?