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Maine - 2021

3 years ago
Peanut Butter Breath
Room Type
weeks 11
weeks 8-9
weeks 8-9, 11
Grow medium
Week 8. Vegetation
4 years ago
Finally got around to starting the journal. It's a good year for it, looks like. Started all the plants inside, in three rounds, some under lights and others windowsill for comparison. All of them were out 2 months ago, a great warm year so no worries. I used primarily 5 gal grow bags, since I had them already, with one "queen" on her 10 gal throne (the 10 gal my Lamb's Bread) Heights range from about 3 ft to 5 ft right now, in theory another few wks of veg to go. Funny thing is, my ChemDawg appears to be flowering pretty damn good right now. Before you say it, it's not from light cycle issues. It's been outside for a couple months in veg, full daylight. Seems pretty f-d up to me, but what the hell maybe it's gloal warming. Pulled about 5 males early, all female since except for a single male pistil I riped off a couple days ago. This isn't my first grow, but growing outdoors in Maine means you don't get a lot of practice. Previous years have been beautiful plants- in veg- then they fizzled. This year (fingers crossed) I'm aiming for a year's supply of medicine. Legaliztion is awesome, but insurance still doesn't cover the best meds. Using ProMix soil, amended with worm castings. I've been watering with straight well water, occasionally adding a little liquid seaweed. Recently top-dressed the bigguns with bat guano, and started feeding tiger bloom to half of them. The other half doesn't look ready yet, but seeing as how the ChemDawg is in flower now I figured it couldn't hurt the bigger plants.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
lefthandedJstarted grow question 4 years ago
Anybody ever hear of a plant flowering this early outdoors? Grew the same strain last year, and it was way later. It's been out for a while, and in veg the whole time. Two days ago I looked and the hairs have multiplied and baby buds are forming already.
Buds. Other
Plant. Other
masterofsmeagolanswered grow question 4 years ago
I private messaged you bro. You're good. No worries. One thing I would do though is look into a way of securing your plants in the wind. Especially before flowering starts. It SUCKS to have a nice tall plant snap under the weight of bud and rain or just strong wind. I've also had 5 gallon buckets tip over. I know it's a bag not a bucket but still. Just a cautionary tale from a fellow Mainer. Looks great though man!
Organomananswered grow question 4 years ago
Someone forgot to tell the plant to read the instruction manual! Seriously though, this is typical phenotypic variation. Seeds are not identical. Think of how lucky you are that this plant will finish much earlier, and before the weather gets nasty/rainy/cold in early Fall/Autumn! Cheers, Organoman.
Crawlndoganswered grow question 4 years ago
I was just trying to figure that out myself... I just finished two strains indoors (both photoperiod). I made some clones from both of them... had these clones out since the first week of june... I searched up daylight hours for where I live and it said June 1st 15.1 hours... About 3 weeks ago, I thought I noticed pre-flower on one strain... skip ahead to now and I am 3 weeks into flower on that strain and the other strain is starting to show signs of pre-flower... pistels and stretch... Pre-flower doesn't start until the first week of August where I live. I repeat.... These are not Auto Flowers... So... I'm with you on this one 😂😁😵
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
SO..........................the girls are doing okay. I can only expect so much, given they're in 5 gals (except for LB), and half of them didn't get a good start. It's a nice experiment, for comparison sake. I don't think there's any bad plants here (of course, I don't think there are any bad plants ANYWHERE, EVER), just some early bloomers and some that still need some time. I've been feeding them with Tiger Bloom and a seaweed/kelp additive, and they've had two doses now of guano for top-dressing. Now I'm running out of room, should've planned better and left more room at the top of the bags. Never again with the 5 gals, they're great for indoor but way too restrictive for outdoor even way up here in Maine. I just finished LST again and they're looking pretty funky, but it's getting the desired result. GLad I kept some of them straight and didn't top, I want to see the difference in the end between nature's architecture and my twisted mess. SO far, so good, but I'm a little worried about the Ph. Again, my solution is good (around 6- 6.3), but my medium still comes in at 7 even. Great buffering shit, but I really need to acidify the soil a bit more. I've got some PhDown, but I'm worried that if I drop the solution too low I'll burn the plants. On the other hand, it doesn't seem to have much of an effect so far at 6.... 7/31 Update: Gave the ladies another round of bat guano, 2 lbs. spread hroughout a dozen plants. Kinda worried that I used too much, but the first applications weren't enough so we'll see. Yesterday gave 'em a feeding of Tiger Bloom, today I watered the guano in with well water that I adjusted (using PhDown) to a reasonable 6.5. A good dry day, bright too, they should soak it up good today!
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
Growing along quite well. Next year, bigger bags and better soil mix. Also, a little longer veg inside wouldn't hurt. Got buds starting on the three ATF's, Chemdog, Night Nurse, and one Viper Cookies. Still no signs on the big mother Lamb's Bread, which makes me wonder how big she's gonna get. Finally stopped being lazy and set up some support for them, since my training left them a little wild. Hit them again last night with neem as the little pests are back and munching away. Supposed to stay relatively dry this week, hoping the single application will last for a while. Continuing with TIger Bloom every other feeding, alternating with straight water ph around 6.
Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
Flowering looks awesome on the ChemDog! Lots of bud sites and they're growing at a respectable rate. ATF's are running 3 plants in 3 diff stages- one's a couple weeks into flower, one's just starting,and one's still the holdout. Meanwhile, I've got flowering on the Night Nurse and one of the Viper Cookies. The rest are close but I can't say for sure they've transitioned. Weather's getting into a hot and humid phase, gotta watch that ChemDog. Think it's got a decent structure for ventilation but I've read horror stories on how the Dog loves mold. Further training of the branches has been fruitful, I'm seeing a lot more topside bud sites than usual. I'm working on irrigation-- I set up a 30 gal container and it works for drip, but without a pipe system it's still one at a time, although I have to admit it's worth it to save my back. Plus, I have to have a supply ready for use in case my buddy needs to fill in for me and water the ladies. Been checking the cameras regularly ( I have them all throughout the property, game cameras with IR flash), and to date haven't seen anything that would constitute a threat. Just some curious raccoons and one really ugly opossum. Even the skunks don't bother them this year, which is nice but a little strange considering they dig in them every year. It's really just the animals I'm watching for, people aren't as much of a concern. Mostly because I don't know any. Aside from that, I sleep with my head feet away from my babies, so somebody would have to have big brass ones to even try. Yes, I know, a little overprotective. Fingers crossed it'll be one hell of a harvest (by my standards). 8/11 Update: Been lucky still with the weather, but it's turning really humid. Fed the girls this morning, a mix of 1C molasses and 1/2C epsom salt in 20 gallons. Just a little supplement to the tiger bloom they've been feasting on. Speaking of the Tiger Bloom, I can't help but think I'd do just as well mixing my own nutrient solution, since the cost really adds up quick. For his year, however, it'll be fine. My watering gizmo is working well, just leaks a tiny bit and that's fine for the remainder of the year. Now that I have an idea of what works for me I can spend the off-season setting up something right. Had to thin out the Lamb's a bit, it wasn't getting anywhere near enough air flow. Also took a few on the ChemDog as I'm expecting mold/rot conditions for a while and she's prone. Shouldn't have much problem, wind blows almost constantly here, but you can never be too careful. Training is taking well, overall they look pretty good. Next year-- bigger grow bags, better soil, and much pickier seed choices. I think I may even abandon the idea of topping them in the future-- it just slows them down and you can get the same end results with training. Granted, my ladies are kinda sparse and ugly, but that's the learning curve. Next time around I think I have a pretty good idea of what to do and when to do it, based on what worked and didn't work this year. Another big thing is nutrient timing-- I def jumped the gun on flower power for a few of them and it just stunted them wicked-- shoulda continued veg food a couple weeks into flower even for the early bloomer, she'd be a monster.
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
Nutrients 2
Molasses 3.906 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 5.208 mll
Now we're growin'! Buds popping out everywhere, only two Viper Cookies still apparently in veg. The Lamb's in the 10 gal is really spreading her wings, I've had to adjust the pots a little to compensate for the overcrowding (a problem which I am happy to have). Chemdog is really budding strong, I like what I'm seeing but I hope they plump up. The smaller plants are making up for their size with an abundance of pretty little future nugs. Even the two Lemon OG's (not listed here, ran outta room for strains) are looking good and they were kinda a last minute addition. Had some bug issues--just minor though. Worse damage than that was done by me and my slightly over-zealous LST. The foliage is lookin good, rich and green. I've had to pull a good deal of yellow leaves lately, but I'm pretty sure they've just been used up and aged out. Lots of humid weather now, of course. No problems yet, though. As a preventative measure I've defoliated a little heavier than before, making sure every part of the plant can breathe. I use the morning dew as a guide-- with my location the wind almost always blows and by about 8 am I can see any patches of growth that might be too thick because they still have a lot of dew. So far this method has worked, and I don't see any major slow downs in growth from the haircuts. Been watching a lot of DGC and thinking Recharge might be useful, but I'm pretty stuck with what I got this year (too damn rooted to do much with the soil any more). Awesome place for info though-- the more I learn the more I want to learn. 8/22 -- Bud worms. Bastards. Heavy neem spraying will hopefully bring it under control. Been watching these girls constantly (lot of time on my hands at the right time of year), and the buggers sure made headway fast. Been finding a few, like one or two, each day. Today I checked and found over a dozen on one plant. I neemed the bulk of the plants, leaving two of the smaller ones un-sprayed. I couldn't spray the very tops of the bigger plants very well because they're topping 7 - 8 feet and too close together to fit the ladder (planning-- live and learn). I moved the smaller unsprayed plants to the side of the garden and I'm hoping that if they're really hell bent on infesting something they'll take the bait and at least leave the bigger girls alone. Meanwhile, remnants of the hurricane are headed this way keeping shit really really moist all around. So far so good for bud rot still, but it's prime time. 8/23-- Hmmm. What could tip a 5 gal bag, saturated, supported with lines, with a 7 1/2 ft flowering female in it, without breaking or even bending the plant? I want to believe it's not a human pest......but thinking my pest tried to grab her and couldn't get it past the lines. I'm all ears if anyone has other ideas (wind- no. deer- no.) So assuming I have an asshole in the neighborhood, it's back to old school. I really liked the idea of not worrying about them so much, I thought poeple might be better these days, but I guess not. Time for stakeouts and hidden cams. 8/25-- Had to spray BT for the damn caterpillars. Not a lot of damage so far, but keeping an eye on it. Fortunately the buds are still tiny so easy to spot damage. I'm really pleased with the number of bud sites in general, especially on the Lamb's Bread. I'll have to climb the ladder and see if I can get some good photos next week. No sign of my human infestation. Been watching close and checking cams and nothing. The flash went off a few times, but I was out in less than a minute and saw nothing, and nothing in the photos it took either. Ganja ghosts???
1 comment
Grow Questions
lefthandedJstarted grow question 4 years ago
Anyone ever seen eggs under their fan leaves, not ON the leaves, but hanging from them?? WIsh I'd thought to get a pic, but it looked lke a dozen tiny eggs or seeds of some sort hanging from fuzzy transluscent lines or webs.
Other. Bugs
masterofsmeagolanswered grow question 4 years ago
@ChitownCannaChica the only insect I know that does that are green lacewings and you certainly don't want to get rid of them. They are the most beneficial insect you can get. @LefthandedJ they look like a little pin stuck to the underside of the leaves. Amazing predators.
Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
Nutrients 3
Molasses 3.906 mll
Epsom Salt 1.302 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 5.208 mll
Buds are growing, trichomes ae starting to show up like mad on a few of the indica dominant strains. Think I beat the caterpillar problem- for now- but I ran into another problem. Not unexpected-- bud rot. Caught it early, just one bud showed any signs. Other than that it's going surprisingly well, considering the weather lately. Should be out of the hot muggy stuff for a while (I hope for the season) after today. Thinking just a few weeks to go a couple of them, but we'll see. I have a little hummingbird friend who has taken to joining me in the garden. It's cool to see him just sitting on the strings instead of hovering, and I think the girls enjoy his company. A little Grateful Dead, a little hummingbird therapy, and they're rockin'!
Week 14. Flowering
3 years ago
Nutrients 3
Molasses 3.906 mll
Epsom Salt 1.302 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 5.208 mll
What a week. Had a couple wind storms sweep through, one entirely unexpected. The first snapped the top of the Chemdog, about a foot and a half. I caught it quick and splinted it up good, and it seems to have survived, but damn it sure slowed the growth on the top. The second came yesterday out of the blue. There were thunderstorms around, but nothing too severe, then all of a sudden this wind hit for like 10 minutes like I've never seen. Everything went flying-- everything. I watched 14 pots (bags) tip simultaneously and take down half the trellis lines with them. Got them back up quickly, shook the extra water off, and the sun came right out after. Think they survived that one too, although I've had to remove some leaves on the sides that hit the ground (pm) and I lost a couple of smaller branches. The ladies are looking awesome. Still not sure what to expect from the sativas, this might be the first year any of them get all the way on my outdoor so it's pretty interesting to watch. The diff between an indica leaner budding and a sativa leaner is like night and day. Even the two late bloomers finally bloomed. I'm not expecting anything from the two Viper Cookies, they just started this week and that's way late for Maine outdoor. Even still, I gotta let 'em run just to see. You never know-- with the weather these days I'll be growing outside in December before long!!


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lefthandedJcommentedweek 84 years ago
WIsh I had alittle more foliage on the tall girls. Took some minimal shade leaves (pests got to them), hope they still have what they need. Two of the ATF's I tied down, four tie-downs to each plant with two main stems left vertical on each. The last ATF is kinda one-sided. I dunno why, but the other side just never did anything and eventually I cut off the tiny little wannabe branches on the dark side of the plant in favor of the the rest of it. I did try to fix it first thought, rotated the little bugger every few hours for a week trying to keep the dead side facing the sun but it was to no avail, the left handed grower ended up with a left handed plant. The Lamb's Bread is a good 38 inches now, and just as wide. The others still have a ways to go, but I'm feeling pretty good about them. Within two days the ChemDawg should break 5 ft, with no signs of slowing down.
lefthandedJcommentedweek 84 years ago
Topped some of them, wanted to see what kind of height I'd get out of a 5 gal letting it go au natural. The ATF's (2 of em) were topped, I just tied down the other branches. At this point in the year, do you really think it would be worth it to top them? I have my doubts as to how much they would be able to recover / grow before flower sets in. Maybe I'm just being paranoid about the timing, because one started early for some reason.
lefthandedJcommentedweek 84 years ago
I should probably mention that I don't know the breeders behind any of my seeds. They're all from dispensary bags, usually that one or two miricle seeds in a bag, but a couple times it was a new grower who missed a male. It's been my overwhelming experience that "bag seed" these days (assuming it comes from a reputable dispensary) almost always grows well and is most often female. I haven't bought a seed in years! That said, if anybody knows where to get White Thunder seeds let me know. Kera made 'em, billed it as a beginner strain for growers, but I loved the flavor.
lefthandedJcommentedweek 84 years ago
Mental note... always check for males... then check AGAIN... had a couple little Lemon OG's on the side and one's sprouted balls. Thought it was in the clear-- first time I've seen a male without directly opposing leaf nodes.
lefthandedJcommentedweek 84 years ago
Definite flowering not just on the ChemDog. Buds started on 2 out of 3 ATFs, the third is a holdout.
lefthandedJcommentedweek 84 years ago
Just top-dressed them all with guano, they can use the food. Second dose for the ChemDawg and ATFs, no signs of burn yet.
ffgrovecommentedweek 84 years ago
Why not top it and fatten it up?hello from NS I feel your pain lol but i've got a small tent ready for next winter to try some autoflowers....nice plants...Happy Growing😀
Pierrougarou21commentedweek 84 years ago
Bonne culture outdoor.je vais suivre ton journal pour voir tes résultat.Si tu as beau temps tu as de la chance car de mon côté le temps vasille entre la grisaille et la pluie
lefthandedJcommented4 years ago
@Pierrougarou21, Been lucky so far this year! Dodged most of the steady rain and clouds and it's way warmer up here than it used to be. My biggest environmental fear is mold-- it tends too get everywhere. Humidity can be a bitch.
Dingle_Danglecommentedweek 84 years ago
Wow, these ladies are giant! 😍 Wish you friendly weather and mild temperatures! 🤞💪 #OUTDOORGANG -DD
DreamITcommentedweek 84 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 👊🦄🍀 nice plant 🤘
masterofsmeagolcommentedweek 134 years ago
Looking good bro! Especially considering the weather we've been having. Rain every night and one day was 100% humidity and it wasn't even raining. Good job dealing with the weather. Just some perspective from a nearby grower. I'm hoping for a month of good weather but we shall see.
masterofsmeagolcommented3 years ago
@lefthandedJ, Not just freak wind we got a crazy bunch of SHEET rain that went with it. The ONE plant I don't have supported was all bent over. Luckily I sustained no damage. I've got them pretty well secured and that's saying something considering the height. I'm in to tight of a spot. I'm with you on finishing up. I have a couple late bloomers (ice cream cake for one) so I'll be out there in December with ya bud!
lefthandedJcommented3 years ago
@masterofsmeagol, No shit! Did you guys get a major freak wind the other day? I don't know if it was just a little microburst or something, but out of nowhere the wind came up and went crazy for 10 - 15 minutes. Between the rain, wind, humidity, and now dipping into the 40's at night.... I kinda can't wait for the season to finish.
Fibro_Witchcommentedweek 104 years ago
The first year I grew I did 5 gal root pouches and (like you) found them to be too small for photoperiods but perfect for autos. I ended up digging holes and setting them into the ground, the roots spread through the pouch into the dirt and gave them some extra room. I don't know how mobile you need to keep these plants but it is an option...
ffgrovecommentedweek 94 years ago
my 5 gal girl is struggling vs the 2 that are in bigger pots outdoors as well...1st grow here.Like you said I'm looking at 3 or 5 gallon buckets for inside over the winter but too small for outside it seems...GL with the flowering,Happy Growing
masterofsmeagolcommentedweek 94 years ago
Dude we have to chat! I'm left handed and outdoor in Maine lol. Things look great! Especially for only 5 gallons! Very healthy! I'm also experiencing early flowering and MAJOR stretch. I'm in Maine too. It would be good to talk shop sometime. Stop by and take a look at my diary. Happy growing my friend!
Fibro_Witchcommentedweek 114 years ago
It has been soooo damn humid!!! (I'm in Maine too) Got a little mold on my autos that need about 2 more weeks😩
lefthandedJcommented4 years ago
@Fibro_Witch, You're not kidding! Finally broke, but I have to wonder for how long. The little heat wave didn't help much either, big stretch number two of the season.
masterofsmeagolcommentedweek 104 years ago
Looking good bro! Congrats on getting some supports up! It's cool how you did it because you can add to it if you wanted to (with just more string) and make a sort of vertical trellis that could even be used for branch support in late flower. Bravo! Plants are looking awesome man. Also you're in for a fairly long flower person with lamb's bread. Good luck!
lefthandedJcommented4 years ago
@masterofsmeagol, Thanks man! So far so good-- and my thoughts exactly on the support. I can already see where I'll need a couple more diagonals to suppport a couple of the bigguns. Woulda just used more stakes and circled each pot, but they're not cheap and this year not as easy to come by.
bySunnyDcommentedweek 143 years ago
FastBuds is the way to go! @@bySunnyD on IG if you have any questions growing this strain! We'll be doing a seed Giveaway very soon! 👽🍀🌱🌷
bySunnyDcommentedweek 143 years ago
FastBuds is the way to go! @@bySunnyD on IG if you have any questions growing this strain! We'll be doing a seed Giveaway very soon! 👽🍀🌱🌷
SunnyDcommentedweek 134 years ago
You have a real talent! 😏 Follow us @bySunnyD on Instagram for a chance at some free Auto-Flowering seeds! 🌱👈😝👉🌱
SunnyDcommentedweek 124 years ago
Wow. Craft Cannabis at it's best! Follow us on Instagram @bySunnyD, for a chance at our free seeds giveaway coming up! 🌱✌️😉🤘🌱
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