Welcome to the ninth week of my Malasana Gelato 💪
My beautiful girlfriend is getting covered in white pistils and getting more incredible every day.🔥🔥
First of all I want to tell you: if the plant seems thirsty to you, it is because SHE IS THIRST.
I normally water every three days, but I had been busy and so I waited the fourth day: Malasana Gelato is very sensitive to water shortages and shows it immediately compared to other plants that show symptoms a few days later😉
I wanted to photograph it before giving it water to reduce the risk of breaking branches by moving it and to show you how a thirsty plant looks like 😇
Obviously after the photos I took care of her and watered her well, adding some CalMag ❤️
The very first trichomes have appeared, but the smell is not yet fully distinguishable.
In general, the Malasana Gelato has a healthy and strong appearance and a beautiful flowering is expected🌸
For today I have nothing more to say, thanks for stopping by 🙏