The swimming duck is still kickin 😆 it has been raining almost every day again. I believe I've only had to water once in 5 days, duck is loving the rain and is growing like a weed (pun intended) I'm seeing a few more white pistils so it's possible I will top dress her with some Earth Dust Boost (flower food) it's about time for it anyway I normally do the one and only feeding for autos around 30 days into the grow and might do some tea in another 30 days if it looks like they need a boost other than that just some aloe vera and potassium silicate in their drinking water as a vitamin supplement this helps the plants immune system and overall health. I did find a single leaf with what looked like some leaf miners I will have to spray a little neem around there. I included a picture from 5 days ago with this weeks pictures to show her growth... I'm planning on doing no training on duck and just allow mother nature to do her best unless she tries to get to tall which doesn't look like it will be an issue, breeder says 50-100 cm I'd be ok with either...
Till we meet again,
Update = just wanted to share a couple more pictures I took this morning. She sure is a pretty shade of green... day 33 from seed and days 28 outside... I'll be top dressing with some Earth Dust Boost very soon, the one and only feeding I give my autos
@Kitties_and_Colas, I live in the desert SW so I'm not used to rain we haven't gotten this much since the 90s when I was still growing in the woods I lost a big percentage of my harvest to rot. At least with it in my yard I can help it along a little bit I would cover it when it was starting out. I think a little damage while they grow is good for them
I've always wanted to try Frisian Duck fem..its such a unique looking plant, we grew Frisian Dew from Dutch Passion about 5 years ago and really enjoyed how they turned out..good luck with your grow!! following 😻❤️💡🌱
Thank you @Kitties_and_Colas, I prefer photos to autos too but it's to late in the season for a photo outside and I wanted to try my luck and see if I could be the one to harvest her before someone else does lol thanks again and good luck on your lovely ladies
@Cyrusdavirus, nice!!..excited to see how this turns out.. we much prefer photoperiod plants to autoflowers but have seen some beautiful work on this website...I'm sure yours will be great, good luck! ❤️🦆
@Kitties_and_Colas, thank you and welcome I'm very new to this site so hopefully I'm responding to the right person 😂
this is the auto version of their Frisian Duck it's been crossed with an auto white widow. I'm hoping to get some color but most of the autos I've seen end up looking like ww
Thank you @customwizard, it's named duck because of the shape of the leaves, they look like ducks feet instead of the traditional fingered leaves making it easier to hide in plain sight. Thanks again for stopping by
@Roberts, thanks alot, I'm hoping for a big cool down in the weather towards the end of the month so she might get some pretty colors, like the photoperiod ducks do 🤞🤞
Thanks @DevilsBud, it wasn't that great honesty, the strain is kinda weak to begin with and with all the rain and bug problems it just didn't come out very good. I can't wait I'm going to put the other two of them out in the spring and see what I can get, we don't generally get rain in the spring... we'll see 👀