This concludes 10 days for this plant. I want to updates the diaries on Sunday.
Since the dirt is pre fertilized I gave her only bio enhancer.
She is the same size as the rest. Unfurtunatly one been didn't come through.
Thanks for reading!
Hola hermano! Hermosas comas sacaste!
Puedo hacerte una pregunta sobre el bio enhancer? (*que el potenciador debe usarse una vez por semana*) a que te refieres con esto? La mitad de la dosis una vez por semana o misma dosis una vez por semana ?
@JuanHaze_Arg, I use every week, 1ml per litter of water.
So in my case once a week (insted of every two weeks) I use this product with a ratio of 1:1 makes sense?