Started flushing 2 of 4 plants as they're all finishing at different times. Other than this they're very healthy and looking nice and fat at the back. Need to give more space for the girl at the front who seems to be massively behind but with many bud sites. Unsure of she'll die before reaching maturity as I heard autos do that or will be the biggest yeilding plant of the lot!
@Lazuli, she's been a bit slow but also she is surrounded by 4 big royal Bluematics and started a week later than they did. Some autos can be like that. Also my lights were on too high which can set them back a week or so.
@Wackytabacky_420, thank you!) happy Halloween to you too! People say this Bluematic not strong but it's absolutely covered! And one so slow but grown massive that it takes up whole 1x1m tent now that had 4 in. Lol