
Free bonus seed

3 years ago
Room Type
weeks 3-5
weeks 4-5
Grow medium
27 L
Pot Size
1.89 L
Grow Conditions
Week 1
18 hrs
Light Schedule
7+ conditions after
Commented by
Mattyice Mattyice
3 years ago
Will be adding more photos as progress continues. And feedback would be wonderful, Tips ect. Random seed I got with my red poison from garden supply plug. Started with it to test myself will move on to red poison after. I have fox farms nutes for later and cal mag for defincies. Used a mixture of potting soil and miracle grow performance organics soil. The potting soil seemed to have some perlite some sorta fiber and fine wood chips along with soil. Seems to be growing strong I got a suggestion from a reddit user to leave my light on full instead of vegetative since it's an auto and it doesn't require certain light to flower. So instead leave on full to get more yield because an auto needs as much light as it can get? Makes sense kinda but if anyone reads this some confirmation on that information would be nice. I water with an eye dropper for now
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Ferenccommentedweek 53 years ago
Mattyicecommented3 years ago
@Ferenc, thanks cool of you to check in again lol 🙌
Ferenccommented3 years ago
@Mattyice, Nice one ;)
Mattyicecommented3 years ago
@Ferenc, thank you very much!
spydercommentedweek 13 years ago
good luck with the grow....enjoy.
spydercommented3 years ago
@Mattyice, good 👍
Mattyicecommented3 years ago
@spyder, how does progress look?
DreamITcommentedweek 13 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 🤘🦄🍀
Mattyicecommented3 years ago
@DreamIT, how does my progress look slow or normal?
PeppaWutzcommentedweek 13 years ago
Happy growing! ☝️😛
PeppaWutzcommented3 years ago
@Mattyice, for me it looks good :) keep up the good work
Mattyicecommented3 years ago
@PeppaWutz, how does my progress look?
EBxAHcommentedweek 43 years ago
Hey man ✌️ I'll help ya out ✌️ First, you have an autoflower! A photo period wouldn't have flowers forming at 4 weeks. That's pretty important in terms of care. Now about that...your stuff looks good! Try to get your temperature more at 75 and get your humidity at 50%. Your final few weeks get your temperature at 70 and humidity at 40%. Don't do anymore lst! From here you feed her good...this is where you'll really need to pay attention to your plant!!! When in flower you dont want alot of nitrogen. You want potassium and phosphorus. With autos you only have a certain time frame! They all advertise as 10 weeks but they honestly can be anywhere from 10-16 weeks. Hard to tell with randos though! My first diary here was from bagseed and no one told me it was an auto until I was 10 weeks in. I still don't know what strain it was, lol. Any training with autos needs to be done very early, which you have! What are you using for light? You'll need something with a bit of power! And lots of airflow! Keep a fan oscillating at all times. The 3 determining factors in producing flowers are nutrients, light, and airflow! In a few weeks you'll want to cut all the medium to large leaves. Sounds scary but trust me...HUGE BENEFIT!!! Peep my first diary and you'll see! I have a video on my you tube with the title Just Because where I show my cutting. After you do that just maintain her nutrients, light and airflow. You're going to need what's called a jeweler's loop to view the trichomes to determine harvest! Start checking when the majority of your white hairs turn orange. You can google pics of trichomes on plants that are ready to be chopped to get a good idea of what to look for! Your last 2 weeks before harvest stop all nutrients and do what's called a flush: slowly pour distilled water in the pot and let it drain right out. Keep doing this until the water that drains out is clear. It'll start out all orange and brown and you'll eventually end up clear. After that, no more water! Just lights and airflow. Alot of people, myself included, like to put our plants in 48 hrs of darkness before chop and chop in the dark. It helps boost trichomes. How you dry is up to you, just don't like quick'll lose flavor! That's about it man, just practice with all of this until you get it right and establish your own routine, technique, etc. You're doing pretty good so far 👍 Enjoy, have fun, learn, be safe, be well. E✌️B🍀A✌️H
Mattyicecommented3 years ago
@EBxAH, thanks for the reply man, yeah no more lst was my plan it was scary at first but I could see the benefit immediately. I've done light defoliation also, I got cal mag plus Grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom by fox farms. Will check your profile
DJST23commentedweek 83 years ago
Looking good, congrats!!!!
Mattyicecommentedweek 53 years ago
I need this to yield 60+ is more like it. I'm only 25 but I smoke 60+ in a months time so for this plant to even be worth the time and money put into it I need it to yield 60+
Mattyicecommentedweek 43 years ago
This is my first grow yall look at that boi at 4 weeks. Could be taller starting to pre flower I think and it's only 20 inches tall
Mattyicecommentedweek 43 years ago
I feel I'm doing great, but it'd be nice to have someone from here confirm that
Mattyicecommentedweek 23 years ago
Could use some feedback I think it's going far better than expected.