Well, this may be the longest veg cycle ever. After breaking a branch off the wedding cake, and a small one off the widow, they have taken a while to bounce back. New growth is super healthy looking though and I am satisfied with all topping now and will focus on some light LST until I switch to flower. It was maybe a bit cold in there for them as well, as growth was pretty slow. I have added a seedling heat mat underneath the trays which has kept the temperature stable around 23C - regrowth seems to have responded well.
A big event this last week was the extension of the grow box. I added 26" of vertical growing space which gives me a total possible maximum plant height now of about 5'. I think that 4 - 4.5' would be better though and I think I will veg for another week or 2 to maximize plant height now that I have room. I know that I will have a longer veg cycle than what I could have, but I dont really mind (I still have loads of bud, so not in a rush - healthy abundance is the goal.
I also added the carbon filter and extractor fan, and mounted the circulation fan. I think I will need to install a 2nd circulation fan before flower.
I just finished a similar grow not too long ago with the same style. I wish the best on your grow and I hope it yields as much deliciousness as mine did! 👊👊
Good luck with your grow I hope you get the best taste of buds and healthy plants! Take care and stay lit! I will drop by sometimes to check on your process! Say hello if you ever visit my page!
Greetings from L.S.T 🙏🏼🌟