They are both looking pretty damn good. The tomato cages also seem to be working well. On the White Widow I have been LST the stretching branches around the cages, and the growth of lower branches is certainly coming up through the center. I have also done some defoliation, mostly removing the tiny bud sites at the bottom of the plant and some leaves that were blocking light to below. But mostly I tried to just tuck those nice big fan leaves off to the side.
I am sure I will need to do a little more next week, but she is still stretching and I would rather see how she looks once done.
The wedding cake is a little slower but catching up nicely. I added a couple of 2x4 under her tray to help even out the canopy with the widow.
Also this week I installed and turned on both additional lights that I got for flowering. I have set the 2 Mars hydro 300w LEDs on either side of the CoB SF1000, they are both tilted in a bit as well to help direct onto the girls. I am rotating every 2 days to help keep everything equitable!
I just finished a similar grow not too long ago with the same style. I wish the best on your grow and I hope it yields as much deliciousness as mine did! 👊👊
Good luck with your grow I hope you get the best taste of buds and healthy plants! Take care and stay lit! I will drop by sometimes to check on your process! Say hello if you ever visit my page!
Greetings from L.S.T 🙏🏼🌟