Pretty easy going week. Did a bit of LST during the week with a nice topping done on September 4th. Plants are growing a bit more and more each day. Now with me turning the autopot system and air domes on September 4th I bet they well start to grow even faster.
So when I turned the autopot system on none of the trays filled.... I got a bit of water into each of them but it all stopped.... I was about to start pulling everything apart when I thought to try opening the drain off on the end of the 16mm line. Opened it up and nothing. Waited a second a day just as I was about to close it POP!!! Big burst of water comes out the end of the line. Quickly closed it and went and checked the trays and 3 of the 5 were filling up. Waited tell the 3 were done and the checked the other 2, opened the floats and the water started coming out on both. After that everything was going smoothly..... atleast that's what I thought at first. Went to check on everything about 2 hours later and there's about 2L of water on the ground by the drain off pipe..... Soooooo quickly turned off the valve. Got a towel and cleaned up the mess. After I was done I opened the valve and looked for the leak. Found it quick at the drain off valve. Had a rather fast Drip coming out of it. So turned the valve off again and just opened it to fill the trays and then turned it off again. Going to have to look at getting a hose clamp maybe or see if just corrects itself.
So far that's all for now so happy growing everyone!!!!
@GrownyStark, no I had a handful of diary all going at ones and I was getting annoyed with having to do multiple a day so I did a group one for week 2 to 7.
Idk if you know this but you don't start counting the weeks until after you switch the lights, meaning your veg time doesn't count. Thats why you are getting small yields
@HydroGroGod, yes I am aware of that. Maybe you should look at my other weeks comments and see that I mentioned that I'm doing a different diary to cover all the plants in the room instead of doing six different diaries. Because idk if you know this but that plant is clearly a lot farther along then week 2 of flower.