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KILLER KUSH on Budget LED Setup from CL!

Approved by Sweet Seeds
3 years ago
4000/6500k Mix Light Emitting Diodes/300W
4000/6500k Mix
3000K / 4000K / 6500K UV Mix Light Emitting Diodes/330W
3000K / 4000K / 6500K UV Mix
Crop box 80x80cm
Crop box 80x80cm
Room Type
weeks 10
weeks 5
weeks 7-8
weeks 8
Organic Life Light Mix
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
1 L
4 years ago
Hello chokit@s , im starting a new diarie as fresh as i can even if previous hasn't total closure and my neurons are totally stoned but taken enough advise, wisdom and corrections and asjustements , i suffered from lack of homogenety but by strains chosen were different as one was a old school kush and the other was another old school sativa was almost a total mismatch, specially in flowering time, and required 10 weeks at least and could go longer. I chose this particular strain to priorize stability on this run & ido love sweet mf indicas from this bank and have some experience with cream caramel fv. I know they are recesive cross between a fotodependent & autoflower plant that makes them behave like a stable & regular plant except that have a shortened flowering period between 1-2 weeks compared to a non fast flowering offspring Germination was a total sucess, using glass lf water and putting it on the top of my internet router to give warm, that some good old tip. Even they are 14 (and two in one pot ) just need 9 because im thinking how distribute the space. Just mumbling shit here because also plants can die by various reason beyond germination like, damping off, fungus infection, too agresive plague, accidents . If everything goes fine and no one dies, if there are more i can chose the most stable & vigorous to stay inside! . That's the best case scenario obviously :) . Light is detailed on pics as i prefered to stay savvy on this one to keep this setup more simple too and keep better thermals as well & ballanced efficency that dont hurt the pocket and big dick energy beam are 2 mottos to keep in mind on that setup, a locally branded light mix that i can speak on next weeks because it will determine performance too.
Used method
Glass Of Water
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
3 cm
24 hrs
22 °C
60 %
22 °C
1 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 1
Top Veg - Top Crop
Top Veg 2 mll
took some feedback from other media where i published this shit and it's a must that i need to improve a bit my uniformity, energetic efficency, air flow and hygiene as key factors ( the previows grow this setup references besides lighting and results itself it's like ok thats something to keen in a positive way because every other aspect looks like a old blanket full of crusty dry cum stains from your bf/gf and a big mass of cheetos crumbs as soil medium ), so i need to visually depict a bit of the setup as this is some legacy shit and it's on my shitty tent. there are 6 usb fans that take 2,5w of comsumptions, i preffer to do this rather than oscillating ventilators because DB noise is way less and got a decent CFM flow by numbers , and the 5w profan its now working as a very quiet yet active intraction as some dude told me to correct that and was right. i use 15/25w (2 level of power) house fans that just fit on my ducts by luck, pretty caveman setup. i obviously cleaned with the vacuum from the previous grow and im starting from scratch with fresh seeds, buy some ... just decent substrate to avoid any plague that could come from my own smegma. because fuck im a dirty cheap bastard and i need to do my bare minimum here by stating the shit that is exposed on the ppt slide, as i change and improve things i forgot some other shit and i dont want to get sloppy results, i would totally like to get like the best results and reduce negative & i told you risks. DAMN SHAWTY, IM TALKING A LOT ABOUT HYGIENE AND HAVING BECAUSE I GOT JUST ONE DAMPING OFF( a seedling died) AND I SWEAR BY MY DICK THAT WAS CAUSED BY MY DIRTY VENTILATION as germination was 100% dope, and that's the only logical explanation as if i over watered them, they could be like way more casualities so its not that . (hope autotranslates well as i know the slide won't translate and require a bit of english. Not all my Chilean/Latam/Worldwide niggas that read this shit are 666% fluent unlike my case a lot of reeferman dialect was scavenged from my old magazines, forums and random indian dude youtube video tutorials. Coming back to the gig , this week was 24/0 photoperiod, just considering that i want to stabilize and keep my best killer kush fv exemplars and at the same time not fuck them like previous paragraph as i can count them like ... 12 of 9 , if i go below 9 it means is a orange flag for me & my big cock is not as big as i think . nevertheless, they are taking very small doses of top crop's top veg now and next week i will change photoperiod (20/4) to give them a bit of resting time for physiological processes of the newborn plants , and lifespan / fatigue of the electronic devices as well. BIG GAS LEAKS MOTHERFUCKERS !!!!
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
5 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
50 %
20 °C
1 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 1
CalMag 2.0 - B.A.C.
CalMag 2.0 1 mll
Hi there my beloved stoners who take all the pain about reading these text walls, i'm taking this week as nutrient schema week because, as i changed to a new substrate i have to deal with new shit as i'm trying to bond over with these new medium. Organic Life Light mix is a local product that can be found mostly in Chile and some parts of South America as well. There is no much review about it but most insights nevertheless if the brand can be considered on the u get what you pay acording to its price , is more than that as it's a bit more complex to grow on a peat moss & coco coir mix and noticed it as im having some nutrient issues (detailed below ) as well watering is different , dear readers i have experienced it as well ! . I can make accountable the substrate on these ones 4 days evolved in a good and a bad way at the same time , as it's seems to be really light & airy gives the advantage of seeing some more faster growth , but at the same time has quite low nutritional value as older leaves already becoming yellow, yet discarding a nutrient block due excess because no edges are burnt , also considering the shit i used previous week is pretty organic and i stay on the lower doses. This gave me a bit more of dependency and record on the food i give to my babies, the reason that spams this post itself, if this CalMag helped to correct the issues depicted on photos as exampled. Hope this doesn't evolve to the worst hahahahahaha. (If anything shitty happens or something cryptic goes beyond my understanding i will post it , yet the update on 28/08 shows everything went better than expected! 😇). I discard tap water quality as secondary cause on the issue (water from a faucet ) as if that shit were causing glitches, it could have happened on the start of my previous grow too! And the substrate was different too, on the bright side now i have to think that its easier to correct carencies more than excess as well. On the space aspect also sorted the light bulbs to be closer to the plants now that are a bit more matured rather than seedlings, it's a 4000k & 6500k dominant mix according to what is better to vegging itself and changed it to 3 different modules to play with height if have some stretching differences between the killer kush f1 siblings. BIG GAS LEAKS CRUSTY MOTHERFUCKERS AND XUPENLA MIANDO CTM !!!
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
5 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
60 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 3
Boost - Hesi
Boost 2 mll
CalMag 2.0 - B.A.C.
CalMag 2.0 1 mll
Top Candy - Top Crop
Top Candy 2 mll
Now it’s our POST PANDEMIC VIRGO SEASON & as Spring and ‘Fiestas Patrias’ are coming here homies!!! Have Big Gas Puff on my Behalf! 👽 Declaring on September the First, Im Setting officialy the photopheriod as 20/04 hours resting too, they start in midnight as they will help to provide an ideal temperature at night, and thats the reason why stick with covering most of the day yet respecting some time off the grid, as for both mary jane plant processes like foliar feeding or the transplant depicted below and electronics used requires a bit of resting as lifespam testing and recomendations tend to stick on ‘calm your tits homie’ even on autoflowering scenarios, last consideration is the electricity bill as can become bothersome in some countries too. Moving on plant growth , I personally consider up to this date , a healthy growth even when i changed the substrate it has quite a possitive impact and that’s on having a number of survivors above the mínimum of plants i want to be spread each on 11 lt of ’ Organic Life Light Mix’ for the most oustanding Killer Kush FV, by using the growth vigor & not stressed AF criteria , as it’s always good to do backups in case i had a strong damping-off or like a bad germination scenario. Notice the quirk of ‘Pot on Pot’ made the transplant a bit easier, and how can make some small upgrades if added in your grow , if its on your market and fits your style as well. Regarding to feeding, new transplant soil was watered with Hesi boost, Top candy and BAC Calmag’s 2.0 (I chose this Brand specifically as it present other useful micronutrients on its composition ), as they first ones show to have quite a stimulant and refreshing effect on the babies, considering the size of more than decent root samples took before being moved on their final containers. This experience also introduced me the carencies i must attend usually on these type of soils, who also i do consider that being this deal of too light substrate, is a deal of a trade off too , like, im saying this this Organic Life Light Mix it’s not a bad product at all but consider is way more needy unlike traditional soils or even fuck, this shit is more airy than other light soils compositions hhahah, so, final words here, like at the same time the speed gained plus not a total damping off on germination phase & good interaction with fertilizers i use as plant interaction shows quite a good evolution, specially being keen on carencies and disbalances are faster to present and faster to attend , it requires more handling specially on feeding like all shit that is making this grow go at super fast speed , as i took some pics of root mass and it’s development shows it’s quite advanced yet on the optimal point to transplant. PS: I will stay with the non finalists , the more pansy Killer Kush aren’t totally discarded as the point of having backups to have a better coverage regarding to uncertainity of germination and the fact that still fuck up things and shit my pants in the near future, as usual, im a shitty grower if not noticed ! 😂😂😂. HAVE A BIG DICK ENERGY SEPTEMBER MFS !!! // i'm uploading the photos asap as possible :P
Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
5 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
60 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 2
CalMag 2.0 - B.A.C.
CalMag 2.0 3 mll
Barrier - Top Crop
Barrier 2 mll
Ok Niggas this can be the first month of the plants since germination - and the start of the fourth vegging week, plants overall growth is savage, even for the plants that still presents Ca Mg carencies , as they tend to have a pale green colour compared to their siblings. The lack of green makes that one plant highlight a purple hue prominent on the leaves & stem, it can be confused with cold through . But i'm discarding that reason as .cl winter is finishing and temperatures are above 0°c. Did a Barrier spray on the mix, just with CaMg on soil to attend the previous urge, as this substrate is very light, yet i can still fuck it up and misdiagnose a nutrient block if i go too heavy. Plus that i found a munched leaf and that barrier has a moderate nutrient amount besides try to half the pest advances. I want to finish this week to count 30 officially days and probably do a topping cut , and try to get on the level of the net on day 45 / finishing on 6 week in order to fill the space, as if this strain is stable it stretch and node space should be on the short side, but nod that some og kush relatives can be stretchy because there'sslight sativas phenotypes as well. Finishing this text wall homies, as plants has the same age, i can notice that this substrate is fast to colonize as the one that stay on 'pot on pot' are way smaller that the ones that are on its final containers. I will consider lollypop too, as i want to try to check before signals that vertical growth light reinforcement with the fan shaped bulbs is viable on all growty , as if i saw that they underdevelop just on veg stage should be a big no & discard that stupid idea. But at the moment is going fine. Just having a nice cri to inspectionate the plants is a good advantage to be assimilated on frankenstein's indoor setup. 🦄 Big gas Leakz !!! & Big dick Energy!!!
Week 5. Vegetation
3 years ago
20 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
60 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 3
CalMag 2.0 - B.A.C.
CalMag 2.0 3 mll
Barrier - Top Crop
Barrier 2 mll
Top Veg - Top Crop
Top Veg 4 mll
Ok homies, here i did a topping cut on a , indica mix but a bit updated with some random yet a bit unstable yet updated that marked even more the phenos diferenced as there are clearly two stretchers maybe possesing a slighlty more sativa may happen sometimes on og kush family and expect too as are the more usual indica type, but i hope cut time are similar .It's quite in terms of growing stretch its very short and not good & the ideal if u need some that nor get tall fastly , but im getting into it as i intended tto give better usage on the net i use to not burn my leaf and bud as can be a hazzard on both veg and flower stretch that shit is controllable and im happen future with hopeful distribution . trying to learn from the previous grow 🎈🎂🍰🤙🔥💯 I got like a good reaction to feeding this challeging earth called organic life mix as im taming it by giving a more nitrogen update , including ca mg and at the same time spray them with barrier as both food and pest control uptake. They are far better also in terms of how they are dealing with the previous spotted defficencies. and the growth is as fast as expected of a fast substrate too, but 4 real its more demanding on food as it showed me carencies very early , so you may need to improve it or have a better feeding plan. mine is basic but works.
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
3 years ago
20 cm
20 hrs
24 °C
60 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 2
Paraffin Oil 3 mll
Barrier - Top Crop
Barrier 2 mll
Ok im starting this week asap is i need to do some pest treatment before i put them to flower so i need to record any feedback from the plants as i incorporated springhill (paraffin oil ) on the foliar spray and stay aware of any negative reaction. I suppose i will start the 12/12 photoperiod at the end of september , having 10-14 days to try to reach desired height and start filling the net too! . That's the reason i put the more stretchy phenos on the back and sides of the tents , and reinforce the wimpy ones by putting them on the better light spots too . In order to respect their personal space and making some ammends ond their directions , I m using paper clips on the stems (surprised? I fucking love paper clips 📎 ) to control side branching as i usually use it to keep them in order as having them most indica made that after topping cut, some plants became really bushy and low branches are very unnatended, defoliation is an option to consider in a near future. Big gas leaks homies! I want to fill the net but if it not plaussible, i can unmount it and just use clips and ropes to avoid light burns and other space issues. (Reccomended to use 7lt pots if you want to put 9 plants on 80x80cm space)
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Week 7. Flowering
3 years ago
30 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
60 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 1
Top Veg - Top Crop
Top Veg 6 mll
Ok I will Upload Pics from My phone ASAP, but I needed to go to the PC to write this faster, one of the plants that previously misgendered her as sativa was really an autoflowering plant showing her wild stretch! DAMN SHAWTY, thats so bizarre yet it's not as bad as it almost syncs with the change of photopheriod that was planned on 1st' Of October, SPOOKY TIME!. So the photos that happened between 27 and 31 september, shows that a plant was preparing for her flowering when she got in the mood, but i concern that now reducing my photopheriod to induce flowering on the other ones make these one the most wanky , less potent or less producer than ther siblings as in won't be in the best growing parameters.🤕 In terms of nutrient feeding , last Nitrogen Bomb before flowering, totally fine! here, as following action was throwing out some yellow leaves inspected as they block light for lower branche , and controling the plants height and wideness through diverse crude tools... involving Paper clips. 📎 Lights changed to more raw power and will be elaborated next chapter.💡 Night Homies!💨
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Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
3 years ago
30 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
60 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 4
Boost - Hesi
Boost 5 mll
Top Veg - Top Crop
Top Veg 3 mll
Top Candy - Top Crop
Top Candy 5 mll
Feeding was through water , with the exception of barrier as dosed as spray as flowering hasnt boomed yet and the auto one one is quite coordinated on time with this ones on the bright side. Controlled height through intention is more for damage control became a closer purpose like scrog net and clips to give branch directions easier, that use make me now that understand how optimize better with them at future , and truly purposed as getting all the ladies good illuminated : how much good are really doing the side lights , as the net itself marks the lack of penetration of the top lights my niggas. :)
1 like
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
60 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 3
Boost - Hesi
Boost 5 mll
Top Candy - Top Crop
Top Candy 5 mll
Barrier - Top Crop
Barrier 3 mll
Ok brothers and sisters i had a minor drawback regarding to external weather so conditions like ventilation and how much heat generates the lights itself were on check on this week, i peaked with 28°c and 30% humidity, so that explain also the increased ddistance between the lights and the plants , as temperatures are on the rise. Additional height control through some lst and changing positions at ones possibly where the stem and branches lignificated and the support plays no role anymore in order to control the new stems , thus avoid hitting top bulb or side bulb radiation , or ventilators or other plants - food scheme stays on the stimulant side with the exception of barrier as i'm spraying as long as i can during flowering . probably until end of month. on the side note the autoflowering one is a bit behind compared to the others but is not that bad - for now. finishing result should be monitored if density and potency was affected by non optimal photoperiod for that one gal. Kind regards :) .
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Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
50 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 3
CalMag 2.0 - B.A.C.
CalMag 2.0 3 mll
Barrier - Top Crop
Barrier 3 mll
Top Bloom - Top Crop
Top Bloom 5 mll
DAMN SHAWTY THE EXPERIMENT IS GOING GOOD EXCEPT FOR THE PALE AUTOFLOWERING ONE AS I THINK IS A BIT WEAKLING AT THIS POINT OF DATE DAY 24 of flower, that's why i try to match the flower inducing with the start of the month, thats my preach as it will ease you some dark souls shit tike counting flowering days, because that also make me conclude that the plants are at least on a patched health, above average plants, because a good vegging time and a speeded inert coco start made my day as it's very demanding in food and showing carencies with the tremendous sugar boosts from previous week , cheers. Regarding to plants, im sticking to this will be my last day to doze both barrier and cal mag through foliar spray as floral mass could mold if not doing with caution or can ever fuck up things here too. Noticed that spraying water affected the side project of vertical lighting as more mid low branchs if are too humid from previous day spray can prone light burns. So,that made me tidy a bit the space, through defoliation, and entry level lollypoping / defoliati9n in this wild jungle as it involucration in this project is still can be a positive outcome as i didn't see burnt bud and these leds arent that heated , IF they arent see a good outcome as vertical complementary light , at least it is nice to see they totally CAN WORK IN VEGETATION. And yup, im sticking on paperclips as a total valid form of control to have decent plants as they can aid to aim the perfect position / angle that might help to develop better regardless of what type of light do you use, i luv it, better results than the improvized net , that's useful now but at the time of ripe it will be quite a nuissance the unmounting of that bondage shit, so that ... the expense here is not money is the time to find & try the shit that works on you. Love u Homies Big gas leaks forever bitches ╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
3 years ago
60 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
40 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 2
Epsom Salts / THC 1.302 mll
Barrier - Top Crop
Barrier 3 mll
Ill write from pc but as im trying to add a new nutrient i need to see if bulk ups without od The update, and some source of knowledge - sadly the product is not registered . Thus: big gas leaks homies have nice halloween, the reason i'd flooded with photo this week was i needed to record any negative reaction caused by the incorporation of epson salts on the watering as i understand this shit also adds sulphur and be spreaded on soil for slow release, fixing too light or weakened soils , something i can't do with cal mag from bac, but that product has other sceneario where i can both water or spray on veg until early flowering so i wanted to try it but i didn't know the ratio, and the purposed spoon i used it on 1.5lt of water on 9 x 11lt Killer Kush that were soft to mild on specific carencies , additionaly, of using a very demanding food schema by boosters can accentuate the lack of specific nutrients like Calcium and Magnesium , so this add thick kick of Mg prevention as it pretty neat it's understanding, except on instructing the dosage and application. I did some barrier as is the last week i can do foliar spray as these bastards but furthermore is really a red flag as u can create the conditions for contract some fungi. By a lot of having still figuring out the perfection of both illumination & thermals , still trying to enhance the light spectrum , and doing the first interaction with uv exposition to check that plants dont stress or physically burn, as i want to do the uv shit for late flowering as i expect by genetics this shit SHOULD BE A QUICK FLOWERING so, im entering to late flowering and do it for entire 4 weeks and then consider if plants show that are ripe enough, considering there is a quick underdeveloped automatic at bottom on a 12/12 scenario, and thus that motherfucker will not be forgiven by it unstability of this batch. 👻 Also i noticed i had slight fox-tailing that was quite provoked by messed up outside weather, so i still may need to ellaborate on lights to prevent excess of generated heat as well, as can incur in some penalty . I have a faint idea how to deal with as HEAT HERE WILL BE HELL.
1 comment
Week 12. Flowering
3 years ago
60 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
40 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 2
Top Candy - Top Crop
Top Candy 5 mll
Top Bloom - Top Crop
Top Bloom 5 mll
Big textwall incoming homies: Here Im doin some shit i knew from owning low to middle branded smd grow panels* how is that usually they come with both uv , ir, far red even newer quantum boards supplements itself with diverse chips extending their photosynthetic spectrum or making specific accesory bars / modules yet my purporse is rather focus on UV as this 15w bar (advertised as nominal 9 x 3w powered led) with UV-A 390-400nm spectrum – something that trigger some reaction to the plants with some other color son the flowering phase and trying to establish functional a ratio , as a bit of blue green and yellow have specific purposes instead of providing absurd quantities of red light , as there is some lateral cold bulbs in smaller but necessary ratios (as blue spectrum is still required on flowering , yet the original purpose was to complement mid to low branch development) in this shitty set up bonding with the upper bulbs and their colour temperature schema, every light has it's own schedule as how i suppose is a morning to night as something that cause plant resistance response (kinda noticed something i need to stimulate as i see a bit of fox-tailing but now with the uv-a i propose to build resistance and activate defense mechanisms like resin and of course, plant morphology according to its stage making bulkier , tankier , according to outdoor’s atmosphere i want to replicate as optimal weather as well – i hope this hardship make them more resilient and increase their health points as here i’s a HOT GIRL SUMMER- even indoors it rises my base temperature makes smell notorious, but as is not the usual weed smell make it and advantage in terms of discretion Killer Kush presents slight sweet tones not very prominent, the only herbal smell can be associated to pine undermining the refined coffee-like smell that is the dominant note (this selection of kush lack of lemon notes up to this point i can say it’s earthy with a bit of sour & sweetness) . Alas, as their late flowering phase and feeding schema should make chunky girls ,but the hot girl summer can become really a issue here, days and heat is something to be deal and prevent more light and food that they can chew , and this timing make me not over-do this niggas with excess of light, heat, disbalanced spectrum or extractions. So automatizing it with some timers ( a very good hint to repurpose old shit in your house!) im doing a Schedule that turn off some lights through the course of the day switching the intensity and the spectrum itself , making a sweet morning to afternoon look alike , , making that timer looks really like a basement like a nice dream to my plants, not exposing them to very disfavourable conditions and yet controlling my electric bill peaking , by the same reason , ventilation is also measured as im relying just on ventilators to distribute and disperse heat and also doing the role of intraction / extractors, there are 9 usb fans in various levels of this weed maze <3 . It's noticeable the quick evolution of these plants as there is no other factors to be aware except heat management as plants seem with not negative traces except some burnt leaf from previous weeks so i expect that they should be ready at the end of the month by my a personal mania of ripping shit all at once in order all to have that space at disposition for new projets , i will report stability eventually as they seemed quite rare enough when before putting to flower all, there was one already flowering AND THAT WAS FUCK THIS SHIT AND BECAUSE ITS NO CHEAP BULK TO EXPECT THIS SHIT!** ), and that shit become tears in the rain as that put me in some shit i can’t control or overcome, and just deal with in this strange lst bondage metal succubus nightmare that will be a nightmare to unmount too. Yet, i want the best conditions for her as all plants except her are ok so now the lateral bulbs also switched to give her more light (there is one on the left, right and on the back side, but i think better results with a neutral colour and using t5 led tubes with a water resistant case in each corner of the tent if i try to re do lateral lights ! ) *I still own the panels, in a next future, but not in this run i can use them as i think how i can supplement them and make them a team player as beyonding spectrum shaman shit i know now , and thankful to the chinese kids that made these fucking cheap as hell blessed bulbs,as they made me allow quickly adapt the spectrum on the main setup is 3000-4000k at the same ratio, with the addition of a cold light of 6500k on the idea of middle branching development too , and a small pint of unholy uv doing early 2000s cyberpunk shit with old trash janitor with compulsive hoarding stuff with some big gas leaks attitude niggas . **I do second runs of plants in order reach a better result through practice - but is noticeable the lack of stability on these bastards as i was very happy with previous strains i can say this strain is a big no! , unlike their famous ones, like black Jack or sweet cheese , the former ones fast version are way more stable and they didn’t presented me autoflowering phenos in the batch … i don’t hate autos, but i hate to mix them with feminized on the same run, its like having a hermaphrodite indoors for me. 😫😫😫
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Week 13. Flowering
3 years ago
60 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
40 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 5
epsom salts 2.604 mll
Boost - Hesi
Boost 5 mll
Top Candy - Top Crop
Top Candy 5 mll
I did a nutrient bomb so i took pic just to record any further change, as i need to stimulate flower caliber , with sugars , epsom salts and , sometimes barrier as it works as a slight K booster. There is a update photoset on friday 12/11/20 as they didnt die but if i add furher shit they can get burn so i will go mild and just do some just water to rest of the week and then just easy with enhancers and sugar extracts.
Week 14. Flowering
3 years ago
60 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
35 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 2
Boost - Hesi
Boost 10 mll
Top Candy - Top Crop
Top Candy 10 mll
gulag tercermundista vol. 2 'killer kush fast version de sweet seeds' , esta wea quedo tan flayte que debo mostrarlo en mi lengua madre, como si estuviera hablando alguien que fuera igual de aficionado que yo y tb le de brigido a los bongazos sordidos. weno :) , corregi algunos errores del cultivo anterior,cambiando tambien el sustrato a organic life light mix que fue una experiencia nueva* , que en conjunto a los tiempos que di pensando que seria un repollo indicon, bien confiao le di un mes y una semana de vegeta que pasaron volando se presento tuve un stretch asi de adolescente por lo que la moraleja que puedo dejar como en el contexto de asegurar una buena vegeta, sin saberlo la estaba vendiendo porque no es aprovechar el espacio, es agregar otro nivel de dificultad y riesgo en este caso fue una buena resolucion pero debo advertirlo xq si me hubiera entrao una plaga en flora estaria mas cagao que calsoncillo de milico ctm), fuera de eso tambien sirve no como referencia general de que es algo que te puede pasar con og kush y sus variantes, como esta , y tambien algo que tiene algo de rudelaris para acortar su floracion , al respecto , que 8 de 9 hayan dado diferente tipo de frutas, algunas de hermosa calidad. cultivar ahi es rapido, y se seca muy rapido en verano ctm , pero es un buen sustrato al menos pa germinar y primeras semanas de vegeta rinde, despues muestra carencia muy rapido pero tomenlo como algo bueno, vienen muy acomedidas - imagino que variara levemente lo que sea segun la calidad de agua pero es mejor esperar a que aparezcan sin alimentar o estar dando fertilizantes/estimulantes leves y la carencia tomarle como señal que hay que darle mas comida, especialmente si pueden identificarlas acorde a su propio conocimiento. mi fertilizacion fue top veg, top bloom, top candy, barrier , hesi boost, calmag 2.0 de bac. razon de siempre - no es lo mejor de lo mejor pero es lo mejor que uso relacion precio/calidad porque les doy como chancho. regulo ph con acido citrico , no se mide ec, la temperatura si de hecho al agregar un nuevo termohigrometro descubri que tenia unos puntos ciegos donde no circulaba el calor y quede pal pico mi sistema big dick energy quedo destrosao en eficiencia, pero la tecnica de acumular ventiladores como enfermo, pudo sopesarlo vagamente , mi luxometro es precario pero efectivo , se llama esta wea se vuelve tan instintiva que podria identificar con mis ojos llenos de semen la elongacion causada por carencia de luz y señales de exceso de luz y consiguiente masa calor que genera como cogollos y hojas blanqueadas, resequedad ambiental , y en algunos casos todo esto conlleva a crecimientos deformes dejan de ser tiernos como el fox-tailing. 9x weno, hubo una seleccion media charcha porque puse mas a germinar pensando que no me saldrian tantas pero como de 12, estas fueron como las mejores 9 o una wea asi, criterio de seleccion nivel la lista de schlinder, y weno,las macetas con las que comence fueron pot on pot premeditando su utilidad, luego la generica de 11 lt como tambien asi la luz se incremento y redujo para prevenir momentos que estuvieran a un parametro superior a 28c porque es mas facil reducir el calor que genero que extraerlo en este sistema precario y posiblemente canero, pero que se le puede presentar a mas de una persona , porque el calor ambiental q deben contrarestar puede ser un aliado o enemigo en muchas situaciones de la vida, como este pais presenta un calor extremo en el norte y un frio extremo al sure, imaginense las weas que uno hace por amor a la droga ctm incluyendo lo que los leen desde otros gulags , ser un dimmer humano weon simp por y para de la mota - lo digo por mi y por todos los que sigan leyendo a estas alturas xdddd . intente reusar una malla anterior para tambien prevenir que los cogollos cuando se elongen le peguen al foco y se quemen feo , una de scrog formal puede cumplir el mismo proposito si no tienen intencion de llenarla c:, las plagas son muy poco presente , lo unico que hago ahi es meter barrier debe en cuando en el riego, pero en flora no usaria foliar alguna cosa a menos que fuera una situacion briyida como hongos, que aqui tambien aqui en este espacio reventao, enganchar un hongo o plaga te hace piko altoke. cuidense chamos akakkakakaak meti luces de fiesta porque se ven cool de noche, y algunos pigmentos que genere los rayos uv para protegerse del clima culiao inhospito estilo guerrilla cyberpunk noventero que resulto esta wea fea. big gas leaks energumen@s qlz 😄😄😄
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Week 15. Flowering
3 years ago
60 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
35 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
60 cm
I defoliated & cleansed the plants in preparation to be harvested, ripped on 25 / 11 / 2021. I will update for the bounty also individual specimens show that results will be handsome.
Week 15. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Smoking itself , deserves the name killer even when it's not the most potent strain i have tasted, the onset is inmediate and very long lasting, effect is more sativa than declared too, as it had a very short lived energy burst during it's initial stage that fights a gradual body buzz and gravity melt down. Smoke provides more earthy with a bit of sweet and sour but not very prominent taste on inhale but explodes on the exhale, it leaves a musky aftertaste.
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Spent 107 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
21.11 g
Bud wet weight per plant
2.11 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Energetic, Happy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth, Paranoia
Negative effects
Medical effects
Depression, Insomnia, Stress
Medical effects
Earthy, Herbs, Pine

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Killer kush fast version as being a non autoflowering with a non named rudelaris provides to the strain quite unstable gene pool, and may have more sativa than declared as commercial rudelaris branches from crosses lowryder 2 or white dwarf underneath besides the slight sativa pump that has west coast dank. why i do so much emphasis about? there were a hell a lot of phenos , including one that autoflowered THE FUCK , so, if you're going for this strain i would totally reccomend that take cuts from the one u liked, as i did had specimens that riped too early while others required more time to mature like a poster child og kush. Regarding to production, i do repeat that in clone you can archieve it's potential yet as seed is good , performing nearly 0,6 gxw with home bulbs is a good indicator that more professional, non experimental, experienced growers can fill the jars with this one easily !.
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Ferenccommentedweek 14 years ago
Good Luck @OGTrauma
Ferenccommented4 years ago
OGTraumacommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, thank u homie, i still need to finish the previous grow as im manicuring stage !
DreamITcommentedweek 04 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 🤘🍀🦄
OGTraumacommented4 years ago
@DreamIT, same for you broooooooooo🦄
Sweet_Seedscommentedweek 04 years ago
Thanks for sharing a new diary with one of our strains. We hope you enjoy it :P Sweet smokes! Jaypp
Sweet_Seedscommented4 years ago
@OGTrauma, Qué bueno!! Qué nick usabas en el foro?
OGTraumacommented4 years ago
@Sweet_Seeds, Jaypp, una grata sorpresa encontrarte aqui pues mas de 10 años poblando los foros con seguimientos y catas de seedseeds desde la epoca de cuando cannabiscafe era uno de los pocos puntos de encuentro para los ñ posters y por lo mismo me gustaria confirmar killer kush originalmente provenia de un cruce de og kush con cream caramel, la pagina seedfinder muestra esto de la fast y que la automatica proviene del cruce de og kush con killer kush fv, que enredado @_@
homerjgangiacommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
OGTraumacommented4 years ago
@homerjgangia, thank u for the blessing 4 the new grow homie, have a nice growing ;3
Cannabeast40commentedweek 04 years ago
Wish you best of luck and happy growing 💪😎👊
OGTraumacommented4 years ago
@Cannabeast40, thank u king hope u enjoy some big gas leak today
Legendaryseedthumbcommentedweek 24 years ago
Good luck with your grow I hope you get the best taste of buds and healthy plants! Take care and stay lit! I will drop by sometimes to check on your process! Say hello if you ever visit my page! Greetings from L.S.T 🙏🏼🌟
Sweet_Seedscommentedweek 153 years ago
Thank you very much for trusting our strains, and sharing your experience. And thank you very much again for the score of 7 out of 10!! 👏😍❤️ We hope you enjoy the harvest 👌 Sweet smokes! -Apolo
Godesskatcommentedweek 143 years ago
Godesskatcommentedweek 123 years ago
Everything is better with a bag of weed👻 Good luck happy growing😍
Godesskatcommentedweek 113 years ago
Everything is better with a bag of weed👻 Good luck happy growing😍
Streinze_Monadirecommentedweek 93 years ago
Mr_Cannuccia19commentedweek 83 years ago
Cuorioso di vederla finita amico, promette molto bene 👏🏻👏🏻🌱😎
PurpleWorshipcommentedweek 83 years ago
this buget setup seems to be fire ^^
RickSanchezcommentedweek 63 years ago
Hey Buddy, looks good so far 🌱 Wish you best luck, a happy grow and good yields! 👍🌈
the end.
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