Still tucking leaves everyday up 21 days and looking good! She has definitely moved to preflower at this point.
As it above it is below… The plant is the same width as the pot with that being said I believe the root system has colonized the bottom half of the soil the “hot” soil. Now I top dress with more hot soil to encourage root growth upwards during the stretch phase. Day 21
Day 22 watered a half gallon RO water with compost tea. Still tucking being rewarded with some long branches.😀
Day 24 2 of the bottom branches are long enough to reach the edge of the pot so it’s time for some LST. Unfortunately the LST turn to Hst when I was working with new toys and broke a branch. Tapped her up and she should be ok. Going to try a different tool for LST next time these plants are to small for that equipment. I believe these would work good for photo’s or later in the grow for autos, this girl is just to young.
Hey! Happy growing my friend! I hope you do well and get some good results! I will come by sometime to see your progress!
If you ever visit my page please say hello!
Peace & love L.S.T