All pots had seeds sprouted out of the dirt within 4 days of initial cup soak
I will be picking the fastest growing plant and isolating it for feminization
List of experiments:
Add CFL lights at 5000k to see if extra blue light really makes bud sites closer together
Top 1 plant at 2 and 3 sets of leaves. Which makes for easier branch structuring?
Grow 1 plant outside(when Nature allows)how much different is it than the full Indoor plants
Flower 1 plant under 12/12:How is it different from the rest in the end?
One plant gets Co2 supplementation: Does extra co2 make a difference in Veg?(control plants will get ambient room Co2 from open grow area. All plants will receive co2 in flower
Day6 6Sep21
No NPK added due to Ocean forest soil being pre-loaded.
Watered gently every 2 days around planting sight.
6 days in each plant got 1 solo cup(16oz) of nutrient solution each
Happy growing! I hope you get some good results! Take care and stay lit! I will drop by sometimes to check on your process! Say hello if you ever visit my page!
Peace & Love - L.S.T 🙏🏼🌟