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Frisian Dew Amsterdam

3 years ago
Room Type
Accidental high stress training
weeks 4
Grow medium
Grow medium
Week 2. Flowering
3 years ago
330 cm
13 hrs
23 °C
15 °C
After a rather wet juli and august in which I lost one of my autoflowers, the glueberry, my 2 frisian dews started flowering in the last days of august, the bigger plant a couple of days ahead of the other, just had a week of sunny summerweather with temperatures around 25 degrees. Flowers are growing very rapidly, plants are well over 3 meters high, and the biggest one allready shows milky white hair. Because they are abit close to eachother I pulled them a bit apart with a piece of hempwire to astick in the ground. Hardly done anything, this year water comes falling abundantly from the sky. Soil was very sandy, but during last years I have gradually added marine clay from apark on the edge of Amsterdam, and some benthonite clay in the form of cat litter, so the soil can hold on to water and nutrients, so even with no rain I don't have to do anything, last week I have been weeding the rest of the garden after some weeks of neglect, and dumped everything around those plants which will probably feed my plants next year. Feed the earthworms and they will feed my plants. A week ago I allso put some diluted urine over the plant matter heap, after reading about this subject in someone elses growth diary. My neighbours who grow on their balconies are astonished by the height of my hemp trees. I will try to add some photo's tomorrow and write a bit more about my soil preparation year round, its all about the worms! Edit 3 days later Yesterday was overcast and had some small showers, today there is some sunlight, so that my Fryske famkes can fotosynthesise perfectly. the plants are allso very solid, in 2018 I had big bud, which grew equally well, but the plants were very brittle, maybe an idea to crossbread with a textile producing hemp. At the moment the plants are unsupported, there is no wind in the forecast the coming week is two cloudy days, after which drry weather, around 20 celcius, and increasingly sunny. The grapes are ripening now, which is normal, but alot later than in previous years because of a late start in spring. The cold and dark spring has allso reduced the yield of my automatic plants, growing very slow but still flowering soon. Summer was, apart from june, a summer like back inthe eighties, I spent about a sixpack of beer weekly for slugtrapping, and hundreds of these naked mollusks have ended up as nitrogen for my plants, but still a day I forgot to buy them beer, they climbed in my plants eating the youngest leafes at the tip of the plants, seriously slowing down growth. Not that i haveto complain about the size of my biggest plant, but still, Next year I will carpetbomb with slugpellets, especially because weed is not even themost preyed upon plant, I can forget about sunflowers and courgettes /zuccini peppers etc. Something about my two frisian dews makes me wonder, seedsisters do not seem to be clones, there seems to be a difference of at least a week in the developement of the flowers and I would have thought that the later one would catch up now that the daylength isdecreasing 4 minutes everyday. but not. Yesterday night I saw that i accidentally had switched on the light outsidemy kithen door, but i doubt if that makes any difference, because in the garden it is less than the full moon. It would off course be a good idea to produce sexhormones by putting a trashbag over the plants, but hell, thw plant is well over 3 meters high! Same problem with humidity and rain, I cannot practically coverthem with transparent plastic, Way too high... For the difference of timing between my two plants, there isa sunny side to it! A famous dutch filosopher sais that every downside has its advantage, and this means that Ido not have to trim everything at once! and maybe october will show some Indian summer,
Grow Questions
Agricola_Borealisstarted grow question 3 years ago
Growing in the ground / Flowering nutrition. Someone told me that when flowering starts plants need different nutrition, my plants are growing directly in the ground (no watering needed this year), Can it help to give extra Potassium and Phosfor? Plants look perfectly healthy.
Feeding. Other
MrStinkyanswered grow question 3 years ago
Growing in the ground you have a huge beneficial eco system and nutrition from various sources - I would top dress with some Guano or some other PK booster (but low doses) and maybe water in some low dose organic outdoor bloom booster on subsequent feeds. It is unlikely you will need it but epsom on standby. You may even be able to get your soil properly tested and they can give you approximate contents which is great for growing (anything) outdoors. After this season you can amend the soil around and effectively build your own supersoil in the garden (that what I am aiming to do in the new house for next year!).
Week 3. Flowering
3 years ago
330 cm
13 hrs
19 °C
18 °C
11 °C
Last week the weather was changeable average calm september weather, partially cloudy, daytemperatures just below 20 C reasonable amount of sun. The biggest plant shows steady flower growth and the smaller one is definitely in the flowering stage by now. I have not watered the plants, I did something for ferilizing though. Because Someone said that guano was a good idea for flowering, and I am financially broke till next monday I took a pigeons nest which was hanging below the balcony of my upstair neighbour and spread it around my plants Maybe I should have put it in a bucket of water an pour it around the plants, but there was rain in the forecast which turned out to fall elsewhere., and I had a very old dried out mixture of feline manure and kitchen scrapes which probanly lost itsnitrogen over the years. (Cats fertilize my garden anyway, they love freshly tilled soil as bathroom) No water required this week, just watered my little apple trees, at one and ahalf meter from the plants. Around the plants I have spread a layer of grass from my lawn and theresult of weeding mainly ground'ivy or whatever it isnamed in english, wookering all over my garden. even trying to take over my lawn.. Now I wonder if it´s a god or a bad idea to create acompost pile around the feet of my plants, because of all the moulds and funghi. I do not know of the funghi involved in compostization of dead plantsare the same as the funghus responsible for toprot. The reason I put all this plantmatter round the plants is improving the soil for thegrowth of 2022, because it is the sunnyest spot. I am concidering to buy a liquid PK booster next monday, but for now I want to let the decaying plant matter dry abit to prevent it to close off the ground from oxygen. It is stille very wet, but now, with sunny weather I expect it to dry quickly, fermenting in the same time. Guess the plants are sucking buckets of water from below this compostating matter. I am under the impression that the pantsare still growing taller, while flowering, but I can´t really tell, but what I can telll is the groth of flowers, especially on sunny days. One thing i find very pleasant of thisstrain is its physical strength, plants are not supported, the big one is leaning some 25 degrees for the loer part growing straight up again half way, in contrary to the big bud I had three years ago, which snapped all with every gust of wind, even the smallone on the balcony of a friend.Update 18 september. Rakelet rematerialized!!! This is a lovely day!, I found back a garden utensil that had been lost for weeks, cannot find translation so I will call it a rakelet, or handrake. Sometimes I can get completely discouraged because of things hiding themselves away, ¨Las cosas tienen vida propia¨ ¨Things have a life of their own¨ Found some courage, thanks to beautifull sunny weather, harvested the last dozen of garlicks, the only vegetable I have grown succesfully , this season has been terrible slugwise, they were eating out of the top of my frisian famkes, when they were well beyond a meter high! Garlick does not repell my slugs at all, I have seen them even climbing it, probably on the lookout for plants they like better. I slightly rearranged my plants apart by pulling strings attached to iron bars in the ground. man! They look even more impressing! For growth these plants can handle a rather rainy summer. I have trimmed my cherry tree a bit, to allow the lowering sun to reach the lower half of my plants, and weeded a bit more of my garden, collecting even more usefull compost for 2022. I am considering not tilling the soil in my hemp corner, and applying nutrients either by just spreading them on top of it or by boring holes and filling them with dried animal shit pellets, this way preserving most of the worm tunnels. 19 September. Weather has been sunny for the time of year, I see the buds swelling rapidly, but harvest end september as has been mentioned for this strain is impossible. Hope the Frisian Dew does what they promise, autumn can be very nasty, and even if this strain is said to be waterproof, when weather is cold and dark grey, buds won't ripe. Next year I think I will cover them up somewhere around the endof august.
Grow Questions
Agricola_Borealisstarted grow question 3 years ago
¿Can molds from compost heaps jump to the buds of my plant or are the moulds and funghi in a heap of decaying weeds different species than the funghi responsible for bud rot?
Other. General questions
MrStinkyanswered grow question 3 years ago
Certain species are more or less tough towards different mold or fungi or bacteria etc. But infected compost can jump to plants, yes.
Agricola_Borealisstarted grow question 3 years ago
Buds are definitely growing. I was just wondering if someone coud guesstimate how long I will have to wait till I can saw it down. at average weather conditions of about 17 celcius lower 60´s frisian dew. Excuse for the quality of Photographs. Need a real camera.
Buds. Other
Hashyanswered grow question 3 years ago
You are still a way of mate. Possibly up to 7 weeks left. You might be lucky and it be ready in another 4 weeks. I hope the climate where you live will hold out until it finishes.
Agricola_Borealisstarted grow question 3 years ago
Would It be helpfull to use some kind of PK booster for plants standing in the ground? And what? Apply liquid fertilizer? Soil is probably packed with nitrogen. Plants are big and green. Would it increase speed of bud growth? Applying solid fertilizers would be late I guess.
Feeding. Other
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 3 years ago
Have a look at my huge girls. Their all fed Massive Bloom Formulation. I swear by this stuff. All natural, made from bees. Best I have found since I started to use bloom boosters. Did a clone side by side comparison to no booster, the plant with massive bloom formulation, through out an ounce and a half more than her sister, with bigger harder nugs, and the girl with the booster tasted much nicer than without. Cheers
Rap_a_capanswered grow question 3 years ago
Yep Bro, you can add PK nutes in the irrigating water. Looking at you plants they seem to have all they need. IMO you are doing well and balanced until now.When the plant will need something she will be the one to tell you, yellowing and discoloring the bottom canopy (which in any case would turn yellow due to senescence). Balance is the trick! Balance is the trick!
MrStinkyanswered grow question 3 years ago
For organic PK booster you might wanna try Bac PK boosterb maybe some biobizz top max or some guanos, kelp (dry or liquid) or even banana tea :)
Agricola_Borealisstarted grow question 3 years ago
I see a lot of pistils, but still very few trichomes, while the pistils seem to change colour allready, seems different from last year when buds were very leafy but those little leafs were full of trichomes. Is this going to change?
Buds. Other
MrStinkyanswered grow question 3 years ago
You are only a couple of weeks into flower, be patient young jedi, the trichomes will come :) If your pistils are browning very quickly all over the plant well before it is ready you may have been pollenated so just keep an eye on your seed bracts to look out for seeds.
Week 4. Flowering
3 years ago
330 cm
12 hrs
19 °C
18 °C
13 °C
September 24 Fed them last monday with a potassium fertilizer (vinasse) and bonemeal, after doing so I found out I found out it was way more per square meter than prescribed, made a calculation error between spoons and cups, yesterday I removed the top three centimeters of soil after seeing a couple of leafs with burned tips, and noticing that a coloration difference between the veins appeared, good lesson, next year, if any additional nutrients for flowering, I will start earlyer, and gradual, weighing the nutrients before adding. Did some watering after the feading but I noticed that the ton of clay and the benthonite clay from cat litter are working well, the sandier parts of the garden are bone dry, and the parts with added clay seem to hold water very well! The main reason for adding clay and cat litter was to keep nutrients longer in the garden. Today I accidentally snapped the top meter of the maincola😢( I have to stand on a chair and bend her down to inspect the top and with my phone in the other hand I was being clumsy in a ghust of wind I rightened it with a bamboo stick and tape, I can't notice the difference from my kitchen window, 😀 Very curious what she is going to do. What I see is that the pistils are rapidly colouring, but still hardly any trichomes, way less than I seem to remember from previous years. I am very curious what the top of my plant looks like when I come back, see if the buds above the crack are developing differently, and my wishfull thinking says that maybe she is going to roduce loads of THC after this traumatic experience. Weather forecasts are nothing special for the time of year, rather average, and no really bad nor really good weather forecasted. Air humidity will be rather high, but I hope this strain is as mo(u)ld resistant as promised.!! (edit 22h38)
Used techniques
Accidental high stress training
Week 5. Flowering
3 years ago
330 cm
12 hrs
18 °C
15 °C
11 °C
2 october: I have been away for 6 days, weather has been rainy and windy. Coming back after 6 days buds had swollen substantially, wind has not damaged the plants at all, reparation of the top of the plant (after breaking it by clumsiness) has worked out well. Hoping for sunshine, it is oktober. Frisian Dew isdoing fine this far, no sign of mould, even after a rainy week. keeping fingers crossed for next week. I am very happy with this strain so far, even after terrible rainy and windy week there is no damage at all. 22 hours: The new weather forecast says that after two weeks of wind and rain the Azores anticyclone is going to spread out over western Europe during next week, hopefully this will result in sunny weather as predicted, in this time of year this can allso mean fogg, but at the moment things are looking positive, temperatures going up to 19 C next friday! 5 October: I had mentioned that the plants had survived rain and wind, but sunday night the big one came a bit loose from the soaked ground, had rightened her up privisorily, and improved the situation today. I have pushed two u shaped pieces of rebar in the ground and connected the plants to those Irons with sisal rope. just before the next wave of rain and wind is coming over. In spite of awfull weather buds are clearly fattening up and a lot more solid than in previous years. Weather improvement is predicted from tomorrow in the afternoon, sun is going to shine in the weekend! so my hopes are high. Thismorning I ordered a simple microscope, to look at the trichomes.
Grow Questions
Agricola_Borealisstarted grow question 3 years ago
It must be aquestion asked a lot, by beginners in autumn weather, but my question is how long untill I can harvest Sietske the early one and Tsjitske the later one, my frisian ladies, thank God the weather forecast is improving!
Buds. Other
1 like
MycoDananswered grow question 3 years ago
The best way to tell when your plant is ready to harvest is by looking at the trichomes. Use 60x magnification or better. A USB microscope or a jewelers loupe will work well. When all the trichomes are milky with a small percentage of amber ones it's ready to harvest. The percentage of amber trichomes is completely personal preference. I harvest my I divas when all the trichomes are milky with about 10% amber and I harvest my Sativas when there's about 15%-20% amber.
Agricola_Borealisanswered grow question 3 years ago
@Grow3rPT My question was when can I harvest my plants, something must have been lost in automatic translation.
Grow3rPTanswered grow question 3 years ago
Olá amigo Não entendi bem a tua questão Podes explicar te um pouco melhor Abraço
Agricola_Borealisstarted grow question 3 years ago
Just some curiosity, but how does photoperiodic marihuana grow in the tropics where the light is allways about 12/12?
Plant. Other
Chow_13answered grow question 3 years ago
They go to flower right away. look at SOG grows( not SCROG ). Most will be 12/12 from seed. This grows small plants since they veg for 2-3 weeks and then start to flower. But for outdoor grow with a 12/12 sun schedule growers will do one of 2 things if they want larger plants. 1. Grow indoors then bring them outside to flower 2. Add a supplemental light at the end of the day to keep the plant in veg then stop the supplemental light when they want to flower.
Grow3rPTanswered grow question 3 years ago
Olá amigo, eu acho que a planta de cannabis em si é uma planta que se adapta às várias regiões no mundo e vários horários de luz. Por isso ela por ela própria entra em floração. Eu acho que também a países muitos frios e que tem poucas horas de luz mas os cultivos são bons :) Mas é uma boa questão irmão. Abraço
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 3 years ago
And how does a photo period plant go into full bloom while there was still16 hours of daylight??
Week 5. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Spent 29 days
Ger Veg Flo Har

Day air temperature
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
My smartphone hasgiven the gost, wich is Dutch for saying it is dead, so no pictures of my harvest. One plant is harvested, and it was quite a task trimming because of the sheer amount it took me several days.. Last week I bought a trichometer, amagnifying glass to observe the trichomes. and while the pistils were allready getting purple brownish, trichomes appeared late andwere christal clear 10 days ago, though this changed rapidly. Tuesday 5th october I spotted one bud with mould, and removed it, and dried the surroundings of this bud in the microwave at 100 watts. Does not give a perfectly balanced aromatic weed, but saves me a trip to the coffeeshop. It was bit difficult to decide when to harvest, beacause trichomes apeared late. While harvesting I discovered some moulded spots, but...No disastruous destruction, just small patches of about one centimeter, at about a foot from the tips of the cola's. No disaster at all, guess there were about 10 of these patches over the entire plant, maybe I have lost some 2 percent due to mould, no tragedy like entire cola's rotting away overnight, which happened to one of my autoflowers last summer. Trimming was quite a job, because of the size of the plant. Very funny was it to see that the top branch which I had snapped while standing on a ladder, and repaired with bamboo andgoosetape, had healed wonderfully. I have theimpression that this Frisian Dew is a lot harder to cut than other strains in previos years, very tough and fibrous. I have put the heating at 21.5 degrees, just tolerable for myself, and enough to reduce humidity to prevent mould the first days of dying. The second plant will be harvested one of these days. I have absolutely no Idea how much weight there will be, but I guess somewhere between one pound and a kilogram, probably enough to avoid the famous Amsterdam Coffeeshops, apart from buying a gram of Dutch-Moroccan hashish every once in a month. Smoke review will follow, but I have allready tried a bit, and it knocked me out because I am not used to smoking in daytime. I found out my lady has had a secret affair maybe a distant lover, more seeds than in the previous years, can be anything, people put seedsfrom bought weed between the flowers on their balcony, and let it bloom, regardles of sex.
Grow Questions
Agricola_Borealisstarted grow question 3 years ago
I once heard about 36 or 48 hours of darkness before harvesting, but my plants are standing in the ground. can keep branches alive for ages in a bucket of water. Now some branches I did not trim yesterday seem to get frostier.
Buds. Other
Chow_13answered grow question 3 years ago
No don't keep them alive in a bucket of water, You will want to harvest right before the sun rises. The reason for the darkness is during the day the plant collects energy from the sun. At night any leftover energy is used up. It will help with the curing process as the plant is not full of energy that has to break down. But it is not worth the hassle for the amount of gain you get. Nothing has been proven scientifically yet. There have been studies that show both yes and no answers. Every study I have seen that is more then 36h darkness has had either no effect or negative effects. Tests that have been done for 18-24h have shown the best results if any. Happy Growing
Agricola_Borealisstarted grow question 3 years ago
This year pistils darkened fast, some said my ladies might have been pollinated, others said itwas the wet (western Europe) weather, but now that I am smoking I find about 1 seed every gram of weed, just curious to know how many seeds other people find in their "sin semilla."
Buds. Other
NatureSolutionsanswered grow question 3 years ago
U have had bad luck with open air polination it happenes alot in the netherlands, i have had it multiple times, now my harvest is very late and it looks all the pollen were already out of the air for me this year, but weather wasnt my friend aswell, truly perfect for vegging like yours, but badd season for flowering our beasts.
Agricola_Borealisanswered grow question 3 years ago
I did not have enough characters left to state that both of my plants were straight female, and that the neighbours growing on their balconies are very experienced growers, so I find it very improbable that my Femkes have been pollinated from there.
Chow_13answered grow question 3 years ago
mine this year has only been one an i have smoked around 30g of it. pollen can travel kms with the right conditions. but also from the pollinators. Hummingbird are always eating from my plants.


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Ferenccommentedweek 53 years ago
Cannabeast40commentedweek 23 years ago
Wish you best of luck and happy flowering 😊👌👍💪🙌
Cannabeast40commented3 years ago
@Agricola_Borealis,i will cross my fingers for you and the ladies 🙌😊
Agricola_Borealiscommented3 years ago
@Cannabeast40,thanks! Growing outdoors at 52 degrees north one needs a bit of luck with fotoperiodic monsters, but the weather forecast looks reasonably fair for the foreseeable future.
Agricola_Borealiscommented3 years ago
@Cannabeast40,Thanks! At this moment it's all in the hands of the weather gods, plants look very healthy, cannot do anything but wait.
BlaggieGoesPottycommentedweek 33 years ago
5 weeks
Kitties_and_Colascommentedweek 33 years ago
Your plants look great!! We grew this strain about 4 years ago,it did really well for a guerilla grow imo...good luck with your harvest! 😽💨
Kitties_and_Colascommented3 years ago
Same here.. we live in upstate NY, 10min from the Canadian gets cold fast..we got spooked and pulled ours down a few days ago but I have friends who haven't but are watching them closely.. we've lost way too much to bud rot over the years that we don't chance much lol
Agricola_Borealiscommented3 years ago
@Kitties_and_Colas, Nice to hear that they held out well!, Here aweather improvement is in the forecast for tomorrow afternoon onwards, and hopefully I can harvest during a period of sunny weather. This time of year can be anything, from balmy indian summer to cold windy showers with ice grains and everything...
Kitties_and_Colascommented3 years ago
We're on the Canadian border (NE) , it gets cold early and I remember they held up really must be a popular, they were out of stock 2 months ago..its one of those strains I think we need to revisit, hopefully you enjoy yours! 👊😺
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Mr_Cannuccia19commentedweek 53 years ago
Mastodontica 😍😎
Agricola_Borealiscommented3 years ago
@Mr_Cannuccia19, ¡excuse me! Your name looked a bit Italian with double consonants which spanish does not have.
Mr_Cannuccia19commented3 years ago
@Agricola_Borealis, Spagna amico, non so niente dell'Italia 👌🏻
Agricola_Borealiscommented3 years ago
@Mr_Cannuccia19, Grazie! dove stai? Ho capito che in Italia si puo legalmente avere quattro piantine adesso? Negli ottanta era un gran avvontura funare una canna in Italia.
the end.
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