This was an organic cultivation in plain soil without the use of any fertilisation or pesticides in a latitude similar to Cali.
Plant was protected by transparent plastic roof and open on the sides. Soil was prepared for the previous 8 months with a mix of supersoil, worm humus, perlite and volcanic gravel. A thick drainage layer was placed 20 inches under and the cultivation hole had 40 inches of diameter. I always waited the soil to dry before each irrigation with 6.8 pH water.
As this plant, at beginning of flowering, was heavily attacked by Fusarium Oxysporum spp. cannabis I've watered her 3 times with 1.60 gal of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution (1:4 to water). Also I've applied hydrosoluble mix of mycorrizzae/tricoderma/bacillus. It was an incredible achievement to have kept this plant alive for two months. With great buds.
Cookies Gelato is a very vigorous easy-to-grow plant, hardy and pests resistant. Also hasn't showed any sign of botrytis (it has been raining for 7days, RH 90%). She has a very short internode spaces until flowering then she has stretched of 250%. This plant don't stinks too much so is a good choice for stealth cultivation. Buds have a fantastic shape, are grey/pale green coloured and are covered with orange pistils.
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2 years ago