Olá amigo, parece que sim. Secalhar tens regado demais ou não deixas secar bem e começa a criar esse tipo de problemas. Limpa bem, nada está perdido. E resto de bom cultivo e boa sorte
Hey! Happy growing my friend! I hope you do well and get some good results! I will come by sometime to see your progress!
If you ever visit my page please say hello!
Peace & love L.S.T
Good luck man! I don't know what soil you are using but I would cut on the nutes a little bit. 2ml/L is my full dose for autos, but that's just my opinion. Happy growing
@Xi_Ve,I choose peat moss and some perlite ,vermiculite for seedling to start up and then I upsize grow pot to change to super soil. I'll try my best! Thank sir!