Hello people 😊 so she’s now 1 week old from the ya I planted her directly into the living soil .. humidity is at 70% and the temps are around 22/24 degrees. So she’s steady enough so far .. I’ve had my light at 25% power for the first week .. I’ve now put it at 50% .. and next week I’ll have it on 75% until she’s maxed .. so far nothing major happening in the early days .. quite boring but hopefully she will continue her journey and have something to look at by this day next week .. until then people happy growing 😎👊
Hey! Happy growing my friend! I hope you do well and get some good results! I will come by sometime to see your progress! Keep on growing!
If you ever visit my page please say hello!
Peace & love L.S.T 🌟❤️🔥
@PersonalSmok3s, nothing mate it was an old diary I just completed . I lost everything from it .. it turned out decent tho .. was just sick of looking at an un finished diary that's all haha
Ciao amico , seguo perchè sono curioso di sapere quando ti entrerà in fioritura , la mia mi sta dando i segni da 2 , 3 giorni a questa parte...passa anche tu da me e vedi ^___^
@ITAIvangrower,she will show pre-flower pistols to let you know she is female and usually a week to ten days after she will enter pre-flowering stage and start to throw more and more pistols for a week and then enter the flowering stage .. I hope this helps .. I am no way a professional but I know enough to know this is how it happens .. happy growing my friend 💪🏻