Welcome to the fifth week of my Auto Elephant 💪
This girl is giving me a lot of satisfaction despite the little time I spend on her❤️
Flowering proceeds and the plant is filling with pistils and the buds have a more rounded shape.
The first trichomes appeared and with them the first shy fresh smell of lemon, even if still covered by the smell of grass 😋
Unfortunately I have a gnats problem, I am trying to stem it by spraying a decoction of garlic directly on the ground to kill the larvae and I am using the yellow sticks to catch the ones that fly around. I also have the valuable help of Bruce, a little gecko who entered the house this summer and who has decided to live among the plant pots.😍
I slightly increased the dose of flowering nutrients, fingers crossed for good results
That's it for this week, thanks for stopping by 🙏
Hey! Happy growing my friend! I hope you do well and get some good results! I will come by sometime to see your progress! Keep on growing!
If you ever visit my page please say hello!
Peace & love L.S.T 🌟❤️🔥