Ok, 2nd week of vegetive phase finished. I low stressed trained both plants.
Everyday I adjusted the wire for the plants. The was not vertical growth but
Nonetheless I'm happy with the result and hope that there will be many colas in the end.
There is still no need for fertilizer, as the premix has nutrients for 10 days.
In the mittle of next week I will start fertilizing with a product, which
I haven't decided upon.
Vale, se acababo la segunda semana de la fase vegetativa. Estoy entrenando ambas plantas
con "LST" a diario. No hubo mucho crecimiento vertical. A pesar de esto, estoy muy contento
con el resultado y espero conseguir muchas colas como reslutado final. Aun no he puesto
fertilizante porque el mix tierra tiene para 10 dias. A la mitad de lasemana que viene
eligere un fertilizante que aun no he decidido.