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Girl Scout Cookies - GoG - First Grow

3 years ago
No Tent
No Tent
Room Type
weeks 4-5
weeks 6
Pro-Mix Cactus Mix
Grow medium
Bonzai Mix
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
8 L
Pot Size
3 years ago
First grow with a single plant. Goal: Trying to get the best quality 60g of bud I can get with a 120W lamp. Under a 40W LED from Amazon on my desk for the seedling stage. No feeding in first week.
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
No Smell
200 PPM
44 %
21 °C
21 °C
17 °C
1 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 2
RAW Calcium / Mag - NPK Industries
RAW Calcium / Mag 1 mll
Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food 18-18-21 - Miracle-Gro
Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food 18-18-21 1 mll
Moved under the MIGRO ARAY 2 at the start of this week. Still moving it to my desk for photos while she's small. Nutrients are ratios by weight, not the actual units ml/l. Mixing all fertilizer (0.20g in 500ml tap water) to a concentration of 50ppm N brought the TDS to 190ppm (0.4 EC). Feeding with no runoff. Day 08 - Transplanted to 1l pot, and started feeding at 0.4 EC. Trying Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Tomato, but my tap water is very soft so supplementing immediately with Cal/Mag as the MG lacks calcium. Day 12 - Not seeing, or expecting really, explosive growth. Temps have been a little low in the beginning, so I'm raising them a little bit today (74.0F) to see if I can get a little faster growth. Being a photo, it doesn't really matter how rapid the veg growth is, and I'll worry more about temps when going into flower. Day 14 - Growth has definitely been faster the last two days. Roots are already showing through the bottom of the pot so root growth has been excellent. I didn't water to encourage deeper/faster root growth, and will resume watering tomorrow.
Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
10.16 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
300 PPM
50 %
22 °C
27 °C
17 °C
1 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 2
RAW Calcium / Mag - NPK Industries
RAW Calcium / Mag 2 mll
Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food 18-18-21 - Miracle-Gro
Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food 18-18-21 3 mll
Happy with progress so far. Day 15 - Watered with 0.6 EC solution, pH to 6.2. Day 17 - Internodal space is tight, so I backed off the light intensity to get her to stretch more. A lot of roots poking out of the bottom of the pot so I'll be transplanting soon. Day 19 - Watered with 0.9 EC solution, pH to 5.9. - Could have waited an extra day to water, but I want to transplant tomorrow so I watered moderately today. Plant looking very healthy. Day 20 - Transplant day! Transplanting took place in the early evening, but I managed to grab a photo of the roots before re-potting. I ran out of my desired media so I had to mix in nearly half FFOF. As this added more nutrients than I wanted, I watered the plant in with plain tap water. I’ll keep a close eye on the plant for any signs of over fertilization, and flush if I see any. I’ll test runoff using pour through method soon just to see where the media is at.
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
10.16 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
450 PPM
52 %
21 °C
18 °C
19 °C
8 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 2
RAW Calcium / Mag - NPK Industries
RAW Calcium / Mag 2 mll
Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food 18-18-21 - Miracle-Gro
Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food 18-18-21 3 mll
Day 22 - Not sure if I'm seeing the leaf tips curl down too much or not. Not doing anything about it yet, other than continuing to observe. Still planning on doing a pour through test the next watering, but I'd like to let the pot dry out well to encourage good root growth after transplant. I did not saturate the pot after transplant, but it still feels heavy so no telling how long it will take to dry out. Day 23 - Temperatures in the room went up quite a bit today with a spike up to 85F. Back under control, and cruising along at 71.4F and RH 52.8% again. No evidence of stress on the plant due to the sudden rise in temperature. Moisture noticeably less, and should be ready for watering within the next 2-3 days. Day 24 - Removed growth tips from nodes 1 and 2. I will be mainlining at the 3rd node after she hits 6 nodes. I chose to mainline this plant because I have very limited grow space for it, and the ARAY 2 lights from MIGRO have a recommended hanging height of only 6 inches. With such a short hanging height I'm concerned about PPFD drop off over even a few inches. I really want to get the canopy as even as possible to ensure all buds get maximum light. I've ordered my Quantum Sensor from Apogee Instruments in order to test the PPFD drop off into the canopy, and I should receive it soon. Day 25 - Nitrogen toxicity starting to become evident. The bottom leaves are becoming a very deep green, while you can see the interveinal space on the upper leaves becoming darker. I tested the pH of the soil, and it's a little lower than I'd like it to be (pH 5.7), but not in a bad spot. I'll perform a pour through test today, and based off of the results flush the soil. After flushing the soil significantly I'll give a medium solution of balanced nutrients to get her back on track. I only see stress in the petioles of the lowest leaves right now so I'd like to correct the issue sooner than later. I was expecting it mixing in so much well cooked FFOF soil into the mix. I've also turned up the lights, and raised them a little, in order to generate a bit more heat. Would like to get my temps up a few degrees. A few moments later... Results of pour through after watering to capacity, and collecting 100mL after waiting one hour, was a pH of 6.0 and EC 2.6. Not an outrageous number for that test, but a lot of that EC must come from Nitrogen in the FFOF. I flushed with 2 gallons of clean water, and ended with a litre of 90ppm N balanced nutrient solution. Will not need to water again for about a week. Day 27 - Showing signs of overwatering (curling), which isn't really a surprise. I'm hands-off at this point. I just need to wait for the media to dry out. After checking later in the evening I saw considerable improvement in the condition, and the leaves had started to lay flat again. Day 28 - Removed growing tips from nodes four and five. Waiting to start toping for mainlining until there's enough growth above node three to take a good clone.
Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
10.16 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
450 PPM
57 %
21 °C
24 °C
19 °C
8 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 2
RAW Calcium / Mag - NPK Industries
RAW Calcium / Mag 2 mll
Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food 18-18-21 - Miracle-Gro
Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food 18-18-21 3 mll
Day 29 - Topped at the third node to start the mainlining process. Stuck the cutting to see if I can root the clone in case it's a really nice genotype. As seen in the photo, it looks like the beginning of a cal/mag deficiency so I lightly watered with cal-mag to rectify that. A little gutted by a dumb mistake; I removed the wrong fan leaves. After removing the fan leaves from the base of the two new growth tips I realized my mistake, and left the fan leaves on the second node instead. We'll see if the root mass is large enough to keep her growing without causing too much of a stall. Day 30 - I had detected the mg deficiency starting yesterday so I gave a small amount of cal-mag. I initially thought the damage to the lower fan leaves was calcium, but since it's occurring on the lower leaves it could also be phosphorus. After pruning there are only two lower leaves so if phosphorus needed to be mobilized there is a limited source for it to come from. I think this would manifest the deficiency very quickly in those leaves. I watered with a balanced solution to 120ppm N. She's responding well after the pruning yesterday, and reaching for the lights. Day 31 - A lot more damage evident on node 2 fan leaves so I just removed them at this point. I increased the temperature to increase the rate of vegetative growth. Humidity dropped a little lower than I wanted so I fixed that on Day 32. Day 32 - Plant responding well to increased temp. I turned up the humidifier a bit to try and lower the VPD a little. Will turn the humidifier up to increase further. New growth tips fully formed so I topped for the second time. I'll tie down those growth tips when they develop enough. Day 33 - Still concerned about phosphorus deficiency. It can't be a deficiency, and would only point to a lockout for some reason. I checked the soil pH and it's sitting at 6.2 so that's not it. When I performed the pour through the run off was coming out with a ph of 6.0 so I'm very confident that pH is not the issue. I'm going to just continue to monitor the situation, and if it doesn't improve over the next two days I'll perform a heavy flush, and reset the fertigation. I suppose it could be an abundance of iron or zinc, but not from anything I've added. Day 34 - Happy with the health of the plant. Should be able to tie down the four growth tips in the next couple of days. Day 35 - Seeing necrosis in the margins, and leaf tips where I spotted the purpling from the phosphorus deficiency earlier in the week. I don't see any progression of the deficiency so I'll continue to monitor. Growth of the new growth tips steady.
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Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
3 years ago
12.7 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
550 PPM
57 %
23 °C
24 °C
19 °C
8 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 2
RAW Calcium / Mag - NPK Industries
RAW Calcium / Mag 2 mll
Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food 18-18-21 - Miracle-Gro
Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food 18-18-21 3 mll
Day 36 - Continuing to monitor progress. Will tie down new growth in another day or two. Lifted pot, and will likely water again tomorrow. Used moisture meter to verify that she's still good for another day or even two on water. I want to let it dry out a bit more to ensure she doesn't have lazy roots. The water level since transplanting has never really dried out very much because of the flushing. Day 37 - Debating whether or not to top the plant for the 3rd time tomorrow, or wait for another node on the growth tips. The internodal space on this plant is very tight so I'm not sure if I want to clip it so close to the base or not. I'll sleep on it. Day 38 - Decided to top for the last time at the first node to ensure she doesn't outgrow her growing space. I'm not sure what to expect regarding stretch so I'll review other diaries today that grew GSC from GoG to see if I can get an estimate. Watered 500ml with EC 1.1 solution. I'll go pick up a tomato ring to train the eight main colas once they grow out, and get that installed in the next few days. Day 39 - Just watching her grow. New growth looks great, and she's nice and stocky. Yes, she's got some claws, but that will sort itself out. Day 40 - Just watching her grow. Day 41 - Just watching her grow. Will water tomorrow. Cutting taken from the first topping has now rooted, and I've put it in the grow space as well. Day 42 - I noticed some minor burning on the new growth, so I'm still dealing with slightly hot media even after flushing so it's plain water today. Watered with 1l of tap water. My tap water is very soft at 20ppm (EC 0.04) calcium carbonate.
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
3 years ago
15.24 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
300 PPM
57 %
23 °C
24 °C
19 °C
8 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 3
MgSO4 1 mll
RAW Calcium / Mag - NPK Industries
RAW Calcium / Mag 2 mll
Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food 18-18-21 - Miracle-Gro
Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food 18-18-21 3 mll
Day 43 - The bottom leaves showing advancing Mg deficiency. Petioles are deep purple, interveinal chlorosis has turned into necrosis. I applied a 50 ppm solution of MgSO4 (Epsom Salt) as a foliar feed after removing the bottom leaves. Hopefully this will get her going in the right direction again. Day 44 - Just noting it is a little cooler in the environment today. Getting colder outside here the the GWN. Nothing to do today, but watch her. Oh, I received my Apogee Quantum detector yesterday, so I made some adjustments to the lights today. Apparently I was hitting them pretty hard, so I dialed back the light to 400 μMol/m2/s (DLI 26); this also contributed to the decrease in temperature as the boards are pretty cool now. Day 45 - Watered today with 2l of an 80ppm Mg solution. I flushed the media on Day 25 after transplanting, and since Mg is easily leached from soilless media I'm pretty sure I leached away too much. I'm trying to not do too much, but I need to get this Mg situation handled. I was hoping a foliar feed would have faster results, but the issue progressed a lot still in a single day. Day 46 - New growth looking good. Hoping that boost of Mg solved that issue now. Tied down the eight main branches so now we'll let her veg another week or two to keep an eye on her nutritional needs. Day 47 - No purpling on new stems and petioles so it looks like adding the extra Mg has made her happy. The damaged fan leaves are getting worse so I'm going to just take them off. I don't want them attracting pests of any kind. Day 48 - Adjusting tie downs to keep the growth as even as possible in this stage of veg. Other than that, just watching her grow. Day 49 - Watered with 1l of (EC 1.0 @ pH 6.0) solution. I increased the Mg in my base solution to 30ppm, and I'll watch for any further signs of deficiency in case further adjustments need to be made.
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
3 years ago
15.24 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
500 PPM
55 %
22 °C
21 °C
19 °C
8 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 3
MgSO4 1 mll
RAW Calcium / Mag - NPK Industries
RAW Calcium / Mag 2 mll
Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food 18-18-21 - Miracle-Gro
Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food 18-18-21 3 mll
Distance between canopy and lights changed to 14 inches. Light intensity adjusted to 500 μMol/m2/s. Day 50 - Watered with 1l of (EC 1.0 @ pH 6.3) solution. Clone taken from the first topping on Day 29 in the grow environment. Internodal space on this phenotype is really tight. The clone has five nodes now at 2.5" tall. Day 51 - She's really starting to take off now. Her root ball is filling out nicely, and she's starting to actually drink. I lifted the pot, and I'll need to water again tomorrow. Won't be long now until watering is a daily chore, but expected in a 2 gal pot. Day 52 - Watered with 1l of (EC 1.0 @ pH 6.0) solution. Steady as she goes... Day 54 - Watered with 1l of (EC 1.2 @ pH 6.0) solution. Day 56 - Watered with 1.5l of (EC 1.0 @ pH 6.3) solution. Noticing some general yellowing of lower leaves. Currently watering at 120ppm of Nitrogen. I'll bump to 160ppm next fertigation.
Week 8. Vegetation
3 years ago
17.78 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
600 PPM
52 %
22 °C
21 °C
20 °C
8 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 3
MgSO4 1 mll
RAW Calcium / Mag - NPK Industries
RAW Calcium / Mag 2 mll
Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food 18-18-21 - Miracle-Gro
Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food 18-18-21 3 mll
Day 57 - Watered with 2l of (EC 1.2 @ pH 6.0) solution. Increased the ppm of Nitrogen to 160ppm to rectify the general yellowing on the lower leaves. I'll clean up the lower skirt on Day 60, and switch to flower on Day 64. Day 58 - Watching her grow. Day 59 - Watered with 2l of (EC 1.2 @ pH 6.0) solution (remainder from Day 57). Day 60 - Cleaned lower skirt removing all branches below the top two nodes. Removed the bottom fan leaf from each branch that was growing into the center (these were the yellowing leaves anyway). Day 61 - Watered with 2l of (EC 1.2 @ pH 6.1) solution. Day 62 - No Water Day 63 - Watered with 2l of (EC 1.3 @ pH 6.1) solution.
1 like
Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
20.32 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
600 PPM
52 %
22 °C
21 °C
20 °C
8 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 3
MgSO4 1 mll
RAW Calcium / Mag - NPK Industries
RAW Calcium / Mag 2 mll
Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food 18-18-21 - Miracle-Gro
Water Soluble Tomato Plant Food 18-18-21 3 mll
Day 64 - First day of flower. Can't wait to see buds.


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Ferenccommentedweek 23 years ago
Good Luck
Beefsquatchcommented3 years ago
@Ferenc, Thank you :)
Saint0pheliacommentedweek 03 years ago
Cool! Can’t wait to see how it goes. :) Hopefully my GSC from GOG will arrive soon.
Beefsquatchcommented3 years ago
@Saint0phelia, Thank you very much!
Wackytabacky_420commentedweek 03 years ago
Best of luck and happy growing!!😎💪💪🌱💚
Beefsquatchcommented3 years ago
@Wackytabacky_420, Thank you very much!
homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Beefsquatchcommented3 years ago
@homerjgangia, Thank you very much!
weed__meecommentedweek 03 years ago
I wish you a great growth 😊🍀🌱🌷
Beefsquatchcommented3 years ago
@weed__mee, Thank you very much!
JamMAKEcancommentedweek 03 years ago
Beautiful start..... Best of luck on the journey growmie
JamMAKEcancommented3 years ago
@Beefsquatch, UR welcome growMie
Beefsquatchcommented3 years ago
@JamMAKEcan, Thanks man.
Ganjafarmer420flowerscommentedweek 33 years ago
Looking great will be watching 😁😋❤️🔥
Beefsquatchcommented3 years ago
@Ganjafarmer420flowers, Thank you very much. Keeping fingers crossed for a good grow. 😃
Crumblescommentedweek 23 years ago
Good luck with the grow 😎
Beefsquatchcommented3 years ago
@Crumbles, Thank you very much.
Godesskatcommentedweek 43 years ago
Everything is better with a bag of weed👻 Good luck happy growing😍
SugarBoogerscommentedweek 23 years ago
Nice to see someone else growing this strain! Looks beautiful. I’ll be following to compare haha. Good luck!🍀 🤞
MrNObody_Growscommentedweek 63 years ago
Nice looking plant my friend! Happy growing and stay high #420😎😎🍁🍁🤜💨
Beefsquatchcommented3 years ago
@MrNObody_Grows, Thank you very much. Hopefully with the heavy training done she’ll start to take off.
LittleJohncommentedweek 63 years ago
Good luck and happy growing😎💚🙏🏻
SugarBoogerscommentedweek 73 years ago
Looking phenomenal! I love the look of the even canopy.
Beefsquatchcommented3 years ago
@SugarBoogers, Thanks gromie! Yeah I grow in a space most would consider too small for their seedlings (20"x20"). I figured I better take the extra time in veg to mainline her, and keep her as tidy as possible. One more week and I'll flip her to flower. Clean up lower skirt in about four more days to give her a few days recovery before flipping.
Sour_Dcommentedweek 73 years ago
Nice looking young lady! 😎
Beefsquatchcommented3 years ago
@Sour_D, Thanks Sour_D. She went through a bit of a rough patch, but I think I've got her sorted now. She's hungrier for Mg than I expected.
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