Sublyme_nesscommentedweek 83 years ago
plant was vegged for 8 weeks on 18/6. i topped after 5 or 6 and then started tying / weighting it back to get it to gro out not up.. I did have a scrog screen on it but it was too droopy so i resorted back to type;
I used ikea clips that you can hang on the branches. I use coins as weights and aimed to keep the tops ogrowing outward to make a 2x2 canopy to flower.
I ph using drops that are green at 6.5, use ph down as i have hard water, i use a shitty ppm/ec tester just to be nosey. try to go with the guide provided with the nutes.
Have collected rain water and also have distilled water too, aiming to not keep adding nutes and not giving them a time to flush. feed on a full schedule, then half nutes with tap water, then half nutes again but with distilled and a bit of cal mag then fulll feed with a pd'd tap water (tap water has calcium and mineral so i leave out the calmag usually.
I found through occasionally checking runoff that my runoff was quite low; suposed that to mean the roots at bottom could do with a shower, so i would bottom feed every so often with weak solution and pure tap water with no ph down.
slight ph issues early on i think as i'd overwatered when roots had not set when it was potted up, prob lost two weeks of slow growth
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