I like to float the seed in a glass of water till it cracks open and the tail barely begins to poke out.. Usually about 24-36 hours of floating.. This bean was ready in 12 hours!!! She sunk to the bottom of the cup after only about 2 - 4 hours.. Then cracked open at about the 8th hour.. I went to bed and by the time I woke up the next day, she was more than ready for the medium!.. 3 days in the moist medium (coco/perlite) with a cup on top to create the germinating dome and she popped up like a beast!
I did rinse and buffer the coco/perlite with 5mL/G of CALiMAGic pH'd to 6.0 - 6.3 (somewhere in there, I believe lol) before germinating.. I also went ahead and flushed the medium and ALSO fed the medium with some MYCO+ (powder stuff on Amazon.. Same manufacturer of the Flower Fuel bloom booster, I believe.. Seems pretty legit) and a half dose of CALiMAGic.. Runoff came out great, PPM wise.. But the pH is a little off.. In at 6.2 and runoff was 6.8.. That can be fixed pretty easily by next week.. She was a bit tall.. And the root system should be damnear nothing.. So I SUPER CAREFULLY dug her up and reburied her.. I mean it took me a good 10 mins just to loosen up the medium enough to where when I pulled her out, nothing (and I mean NOTHING) was tugging so she came up pretty easily after that and I just safely reburied her a bit deeper. Should be fine! If not, then this diary is a WRAP! 😂😭😂😭
I'm really only trying to use the COB for seedling and very, very early veg.. Once I notice the μmols dropping toward the ends of the leaves, I'll go ahead and start using the Optic SLIM 320H.. I'm sure by the time I need to transplant (into a 5 gallon fabric pot) I'll be using the Optic.