
"I 'member!" Member Berry RBx1 by ETHOS

2 years ago
3500K COB
Room Type
weeks 4
weeks 5-8
weeks 6, 8
weeks 7-9, 12
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 14
12 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
12+ conditions after
Commented by
Professor_Chaos Professor_Chaos
2 years ago
Beginning of week... So the RH has been spiking ALOT.. natural environment sucks here.. seeing 68% at times in the tent and lung room. Just got it down to 62% ๐Ÿ˜ฌ still kinda high but it's the best I can do with what I got... she will make it tho.. this will be a damn good test for mold resistance. I've just been keeping the fans on full blast. I never added a 3rd fan to blow on the plant like I wanted before.. damn, I should probably add that now... ๐Ÿค” I will.. just havent had the time, cuz, you know... life and whatnot lol. But holy shit Im glad I got a new carbon filter.. she is stanky as fuuuuck! So citrusy! I can't help but bring it up every update lol.. now I'm smelling a mix of the Early Lemon Berry and the Mandain Cookies from this girl. The trichomes on the fattest nugs below the colas are HUGE! Literally don't even need a loupe to see they are milky as fuuuuck! Still some clear tho.. gonna finish this week and see where she is at! So excited to get her dried and tested out before the cure! I hope I can keep my hands out of the cookie jar that long lol.. I should've smoked more bowls than joints from my last harvest.. then I'd have some till the cure was done if not longer.. well, I'm still trying to find my sweet spot in yield that can last me till a next harvest.. or maybe start plants in between.. run a second tent or my small grow box for seedling and early veg.. then to a bigger tent to finish up and I can start the next plant a couple weeks in or as I flip to flower.. ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿ’ญ see.. I'm still trying to dial it all in for my personal consumption.. but that actually sounds like a great plant.. save on electricity too cuz my small grow box is only 3 bulbs that equal 20 watts from the wall.. not bad at all! Today I watered with FloraKleen once again, going in: 100 PPM at 6.2 pH and run off: 445 PPM at 6.2 pH.. I've only been watering every other day because the medium even stays pretty moist till the next day anyway.. kinda weird this jut popped up one day and hasnt stopped.. but gonna go ahead and water in a bit more again tomorrow and see where she stands.. nothing but water till harvest.. unless I feel the rootzone needs another dose of FloraKleen.. we shall see! Next day.. So this morning the runoff was still coming out at about 480 PPM.. so I went ahead and ran another gallon thru before lights out as well, and it came out 350 PPM.. also, this time it was 30 mins before lights out and I had the water refrigerated to about 50ยฐF.. would be colder, but I forgot to put it in the fridge earlier that day so it only had about 45 mins in the freezer, then another 30 mins in the fridge. Watering with the cold water should help bring out more purples and reds! Worked before.. but not so much on the last 2 or 3 that "kinda" purped towards tge end.. but thats the update on the runoff.. hadn't ran anymore FloraKleen thru the medium. Maybe I should go ahead and give another dose to really help get anything built-up in the rootzone.. but the pH is going in and coming out perfectly... 6.2 on the dot. End of week.. Welp.. a very eventful week. Not in a good way. She has been kept in the dark for 5 days.. went ahead and harvested. Havent watered or anything, just ben letting the exhaust fan do its thing. Really wish I could have let her go another week at least, but I fucked up by leaving her in the dark for 5 days ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ as for this week.. she suffered a bit, but she has been taken out of her misery.. and now I am one step closer to tasting this beauty!
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Professor_Chaosweek 14
Harvested too early. Horrible experience. My fault completely.