10/18/21: Day 1. Seedling is up and doing fantastic. Over an inch already, and looking to spread it's leaves far and wide.
10/19/21: Day 2. Provided the proper dosage of Gaia Green All Purpose blend at 1 tbsp per gallon, which is 1 1/2 tbsp for the pot. Pictures provided. I watered it in thoroughly, but not enough to run out the bottom.
10/20/21: Day 3. Top layer of soil is still extremely moist. Plant is looking good.
10/22/21: Day 5. Pot is still heavy from the moisture, hopefully it will be dry by next week. Leaves are starting to get nice and big.
10/24/21: Day 7. Moisture level of the soil is still extremely high. I'm going to adjust the plants positions in the tent, putting the NL closer to the fan, hoping it draws out the moisture. Growth is looking fantastic though, similar to the last NL I grew at this stage.