Diary Legend:
💧- Watered
🌱- Seedling
🌲- Cut Down
🍃- Defoliation
✂️- Topping or FIM'ING
🚂- Training (LST)
💩- Fertilized
11/17/21: Day 22. 🚂The plant had to be readjusted already, so I moved the staple further out, the keep the tip bent over. I will begin training of the lower branches very soon. Two bottom ones out to the back, along with the next row. That way it will be growing the opposite direction of the main colas, and allowing more branches to grow into bud. Deciding to train was a great idea, as the lower shoots had grown quite a bit since yesterday. With only 3 more weeks left before flowering, maintaining the plants shape should be easily achieved. Love the dark green colour of the leaves. While many would say there is too much nitrogen, I think it's just fine. No issues with the leaves, everything looks normal.
11/19/21: Day 24. 💧Plant is growing well, minus the distinct leaf burns on the tips. The soil is only holding a slightly higher ratio of nutrients, but it is now the full recommended dose. Overall it's still in quite good condition. One thing I love, is how I messed up the FIM, and allowed the two new shoots to grow, while somehow still having the center shoots still grow. Albeit it's a little smaller, as it look longer to sprout, but it's definitely there. Not sure if it's 3, or 4 shoots now. I will spread the two long ones out a little at first, but then I'll let them all grow out together, like a pronged spear. Watered the plant fairly thoroughly, as it was definitely asking for a drink.
11/21/21: Day 26. Plant is looking great. Lower branches are being tied back and out, to allow for an even spread. About another week of the main stem being trained, with the final week being allowed to grown out and up. I still want it it be the main cola, as it would be nice to see what the colas end up looking like.
11/23/21: Day 28. 💧After a bunch of fiddling around with an idea for the plant, I went back to how it was, using staples. I spread the new growth on the top colas, allowing more light to reach the middle shoot. Just a few more days before I let it start growing out more, and then flip over to flower. I will water the plants after dinner, as I forgot to yesterday, and up until just now (3:54pm). They were fine earlier, so it's nothing to be worried about.