Directly In Substrate
Method used by growers
Housedad - Sowhio Seeds
Avg. success
Custom Breeder & Strain - 89%
Housedad - Sowhio Seeds - %
Blunderberry - Keeper of the Flames
Avg. success
Custom Breeder & Strain - 89%
Blunderberry - Keeper of the Flames - %
Sugar Rose - Grow Today Genetics
Avg. success
Custom Breeder & Strain - 89%
Sugar Rose - Grow Today Genetics - %
Sacos Stash - Springwater Scieti
Avg. success
Custom Breeder & Strain - 89%
Sacos Stash - Springwater Scieti - %
Afghanistanium 2020 - Springwater
Avg. success
Custom Breeder & Strain - 89%
Afghanistanium 2020 - Springwater - %