I've just flipped her into flower due to some time constraints. Let's hope she triples in size in the coming weeks. The cover crop has established nicely and hopefully soon they will be overshadowed by the dosidos
@Barneysfarmer10, no it's a mix of clover, barley and rye. They help to stop the soil from compacting over time and the clover helps build nitrogen in the soil
guck dir die trichome an um genau zu sehen ob sie fertig ist bevor du erntest bei manchen strains packen die die letzten 2 wochen noch richtig an gewicht zu viel glück
@Barneysfarmer10, sowing a cover crop and having a mulch layer will help alot to stop the surface of the soil drying out too fast which will help that "waterproof" effect. I also have tiger worms in the pot with the organic soil
@Barneysfarmer10, no it's a mix of clover, barley and rye. They help to stop the soil from compacting over time and the clover helps build nitrogen in the soil