😻These ladies are sooo close! ❤️🌱.. the Peyote Gorilla looks especially sticky (has to be the GG#4) , as far as eye appeal, its definitely my favorite strain in the tent (shhhhh.. don't tell the others 😹).. we're still rocking a lot if clear trichs but the cloudiness is coming on fast, we're about 30%/70% atm..we gave them all their last heavy feeding 2 days ago, we dropped the lights again (app reading approx. 40k LUX at plant tops)...we're only doing water only from here on out, the whole tent should be entirely faded in 2weeks or less and some nice white ash in our future (and some killer tincture for yours truly lol🤘🐱).. thanks for reading if you made it this far and happy harvests everyone!!!! ❤️💡🌱😽💨
Thanks Cyrus!! I haven't been this excited for a grow in a while! I wish I was a little less busy adulting but things should slow down soon. Thanks for dropping by!❤️😽💨
Awe! ❤️🌱Thanks guys!! We're a couple too (I'm Orene my husband is Josh) we share this page too but he rarely uploads anymore..these are actually his plants, mine are the Gelat OG autoflowers in the smaller tent that i accidently fried lol..Thanks for dropping by friend! 😽💨