
First grow gone...

3 years ago
Mainely Seeds
Room Type
weeks 3
Grow Conditions
Week 8
4 hrs
Light Schedule
No Smell
3+ conditions after
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Godesskatweek 5
Gardening & Growing is a work of a lifetime: you never finish😍😍😍😍😍😍
@Godesskat, Absolutely! It's one of the reasons I do it... not only this but orchids and normal shit out in the garden... 😎 And there's ALWAYS something more to learn!
Legendaryseedthumbweek 3
Happy growing my friend! Nice reading your diary! Say hello if you ever visit my profile🌬️💨 Peace & love L.S.T
Breezybombafweek 10
Thought that I would drop by and say hello! I appreciate your answer to my question and I think that you're right out of everyone who commented. I pulled the lights back a few inches but I'm not going to panic
@Breezybombaf, - this particular diary/grow - the Auto Big Bud - was one I screwed up to a fare-thee-well... I don't think I could have found anything ELSE wrong to do! It was my first grow, I didn't know my nutes, I couldn't read my plant, I THOUGHT that my experience as a gardener would help - and it did but only a LITTLE (I at least did not drown the poor thing) - but thankfully she was a really hardy strain and definitely could take abuse. She ended up being a halfway decent harvest weight-wise and a very nice smoke (at least that's what I'm told - I actually don't even use this stuff myself!! I just enjoy the challenge of growing!). Yeah - you can screw this up, your harvests can ALWAYS be "better" - but unless it develops some kind of fungus that you don't pay attention to or do anything about, you're going to have a good outcome. I've gotten a LOT more relaxed about my grows - keep trying to make them better - but I don't get my panties in a twist about a lot any more...
@GrowingGrannie, Now Im gonna research foxtailing lol! I'm starting to get it.... that these situations are helping me to better read each girl and over time I will dial it all in. Luckily it seems like there is less to panic about than with mycology so I gotta keep that in mind too. I'll definitely keep you in mimd as a mentor. Thanks and have an awesome day
@Breezybombaf, Nice! Thanks for visiting... I'm glad you're not panicking about your grow - there really is no reason at this point! Seriously, the only time I've ever panicked about a grow has been only recently when I found a lot of bud rot in two of my plants and had to pitch them... I was panicking about the other two and well I should have since one of them has a LITTLE bit of bud rot (I harvested her before it destroyed the plant) and another has decided to foxtail... that's not going to destroy the grow but the buds are going to look VERY funky... Weed is a resiliant crop and even if you get deficiencies or toxicities, there are things you can do to correct the problems - and they rarely ever (IF ever) threaten a harvest the way bud rot or bloody insects can and do... So I'm SUPER happy to hear you're not going off the deep end! You can always message me if you want... at the top of my page (and everyone's page) is a button that says "chat" or "message" or something... Cheers - and definitely enjoy this crazy journey you're on! You're NOT alone!
gottagrowsometimeweek 11
Very nice grow. What do you make of terpinator? Is it any good GG?
@gottagrowsometime, oh you're MUCH too kind about this grow! I screwed this one up to a fare-thee-well!! LMAO! Every mistake I could make, I made... But thank you. Terpinator? Yeah, I don't know tbh because I've never done an experiment with it (I should!) ... I use it on every grow because I like the IDEA of targeting the trichs... You know what, I'm going to do an experiment... Getting my FastBuds seeds today so I'm going to grow one seed WITH terpinator and one seed WITHOUT and see what the difference is... Maybe I'm spending money on shit that's not needed! I'll keep you posted!!
Terp_Derpweek 11
Thanks so much for answering my question so thoroughly. I want to be your friend. Or son. Whichever is better for you.
@Terp_Derp, oh thank you! You've started my day off with a great big laugh - and I love it!! 😂
LittleJohnweek 4
Happy growing🌱😋🙏🏻💚
@LittleJohn, Thank you!
CrazyFlowers07week 11
Very nice✌️
gottagrowsometimeweek 11
Lovely grow man. Great harvest and diary! Keep it up.
Homeboy981week 4
Looks good so far.
masterofsmeagolweek 11
Wow you knocked it out I'd the park with this one!
@mQuse, I don't know many people that even finished their first grow. That in itself is a homerun. Wtf do you expect with a first grow? It's weird you all get butthurt over some beans or whatever. I guess you guys REALLY need that free shit. I have dough so I don't really give a fuck. This sites easier than a note book and it stays online. Fuck out of here with that ego.
@GrowingGrannie, you should've seen my first grow....or two lol
@masterofsmeagol, oh you've got to be kidding me! LOL! I made SUCH a mash up of it... but I wasn't displeased with the harvest (and the smoke was SUPER!)