Defoliation Week! 😎
Happy New Years!!!🎉🎉🎉
Absolutely love it when the girls make progress! SS grew about 3 inches in height which isn't even close to the Big Tuna, but they are holding their own when it comes to the bud sites. Each one has four main buds and a bunch of satellite buds popping through... one of the reason for the defoliation.
I removed quite a bit of leaves, mostly from the center and below the canopy. Tying down SS#1 proved to be fruitful, so SS#2 got into the bondage as well.😁 The girls have very tight bud sites with a lot of leaf in around the stem... I will be slowly removing some leaves each week so it won't be so hateful come trimming time.😏
Temps: Last week had a windchill of -25C and this week was up to +5C ... WTF! I'm doing my best not to forget to turn the heat up in the garage at night... only forgot a couple of times, but because the temps are a little warmer, it wasn't too extreme.😆
Humidity: It's staying a little more consistent... just a little...😶
Watering: Girls are still drinking 6 litres each per week... I see that increasing in the coming weeks.
I raised both girls up so they can be the same height as Big Tuna, but the problem now is I'm running out of room to adjust the light. I placed my hand on top of the buds to feel the heat intensity and if it didn't burn me, it should not burn them... but I'll keep a close eye on them.
That is all... Goodbye!
Happy Growing! 👉😵👈
Ya hey crawindog I just start some magic melon by Humboldt and also got the forest floor soil from 🦊 farm too go with it to make it feel at home , check it out in like 4 weeks and be done vegging , I am only at barely week two 🙃, peace ☮️ and hope these beauties turn out magnifico