Sixth week of Flower!👈
Sapphire Scout is doing fantastic! From the colour of their leaves to the stench of their buds... you know the girls are healthy.👍 The girls have a life span anywhere from 65-70 flowering days, and we're at Day 42... little over half way there. It's around this mark, I like to do another defoliation... get rid of the leaves that are taking energy and blocking bud sites.
I removed some leaves mid-week and some more at the end of the week... hopefully that way, there isn't so much shock to the girls. Now there is excellent air flow and pretty much every bud site is getting light.😀
Temps: Staying fairly consistent at 25C... there was one day that seen highs of 28C... which didn't stress the girls out at all... made them thirsty, but pretty sure they loved it.💪
Watering: Well, this was the week to explode... BAM! 12 litres of water each this week... doubled their water intake from last week.😍 Mid-week, I added some Blackstrap Molasses to a watering... 2 Tbsp (30ml) of BSM to 1 gallon (4 Litres) of water. It's more for the soil... feed those little microbes! 😀
Humidity: We're on somewhat of a roller coaster... had lows down 23% and highs up 39%...
Sapphire Scouts buds are starting to get quite hard... I'm not much of a fan for squeezing the bud, but sometimes that is the only way!😂 I can't seem to identify their stink... I'll wait another week and take a stab at it...😳
Hope you enjoyed more nonsense!
Happy Growing! 👉😀👈
Ya hey crawindog I just start some magic melon by Humboldt and also got the forest floor soil from 🦊 farm too go with it to make it feel at home , check it out in like 4 weeks and be done vegging , I am only at barely week two 🙃, peace ☮️ and hope these beauties turn out magnifico