Hey there Hernan, i've tried a bunch of "natural remedies" and chemical treatments, but mites dont have a nose so no smell will affect them and chemicals honestly dont work that well plus many of them can kill you before they will kill the mites. The only thing that i've used, and now i've use it everytime is nematodes. I suggest Bacilus Thuriengiensis , this is some kind of microbe that will parasite the eggs, the larvae and the adult mites basically killing them or at least really controlling them and keeping them in check. Just spray it on every ten days if you're not in an outbreak situation, before the sun comes up, or during sunset, and they will slowly find a balance even outdoors . The good thing is you can do this even during flowering, and it will also help with mould , other insects, etc. Great stuff, try it out . Hope this helps ! 🚀