I got the speed controller for the fan, it's very quiet even on max airflow, surprised me!
Plants are now moved to main growing positions, there's about 70 liters of water,
which needs to be cut down to 60 liters once I buy water cooler for that setup, next month.
I made a water meter to the pool, it's gonna be very convenient on a long run. Upper table
draws about 30 liters of water when the pump is on. Btw, this three plant "curse" is still
going on. If you've seen my previous setups, it's always the bottom left plant which doesn't
grow very well, compared to the others. Maybe it's God's joke or something lol. I'm also looking
for proper colors for the HPS pictures. They tend to be violently orange. At least there's no banding!
@AwfulBuddy, Yeh man. 😅 Those bottom left stems should create big buds,
most of the space is dedicated to them. Sadly I don't have more height, to give
more balanced lighting, but I saved all the big leaves to the frying middle!