Shit, I think I overdid it.. 😂
I started taking RAW photos from the plants again,
gives more room to adjust insane lighting conditions,
also photos are reasonably accurate now.
That thin plant, bottom left, I didn't topped it as a
test, and it's now 150 cm tall. Glad I did it for the two
other plants. They really should stop growing now lol.
Otherwise, not much has changed. Screen helps a bit,
and CO2 eases light burns etc. The lamp is as far as it
can be; this is taller than my first project with NL.
The next project will probably be with same seed,
but with clones. Got one seed left. Unless,
I'm gonna try to regrow this after a harvest,
you know, for science. :D
I'm gonna let it to be a jungle, I like it that way.
Leaves die when they die.
@AwfulBuddy, Yeh man. 😅 Those bottom left stems should create big buds,
most of the space is dedicated to them. Sadly I don't have more height, to give
more balanced lighting, but I saved all the big leaves to the frying middle!