It's because of my 'viparspectra v450 LED lamp' This has a switch for growth (blue and white: 3000k) and a switch for bloom (red, white, blue: 7500k)
440nm, 445nm, 460nm, 475nm, 580nm, 595nm, 615nm, 630nm, 660nm, 730nm (IR) are my values of this lamp.
Equivalent to an HPS of: 450 Watt
Power consumption of: 200 Watt
💚💚💚@Fluppe,on your photos the lights looks kind a blue, i was wondering if you are hacking and tuning in your LED for the veg part works great , or if is just a blue light for the photos or something 🙏 💚💚💚growers love and thanks for getting back 💚💚💚
Vandaag m'n licht terug aangeschakeld na een donkere periode van 24u.
Lichtschema nu op 12/12 gezet.
Lamp afstand nog steeds 47cm.
Benieuwd naar de groei scheut die ze zal krijgen.