I fed them each about a half gallon of One, silica, and added some ca/mg.
I set the timers for 12/12...they should be pretty perky after their first night of beauty sleep.💤💪
I am gonna continue the 460w of 5000k+ lighting treatment for another few days, then I'll remove the little lights and hit them with the whole 720w of 3000k plus reds.
They've been under the flowering lights for a couple days now.
I sprayed them with boom boom spray and axiom for the last time.
Fed them One and silica today.
@WildeWeed, Thanks man!🙌 They finished wonderfully...Elsa spawned some fine looking bitches!👍 Can't wait to try some of the others this coming Winter!😋
I still have Elsa x Blueberry Gum and Elsa x Green Poison left to try...