So excited to try out IHG for the first time!
I picked this strain as it seems to be a bit more on the funky side of things while most of their strains are pretty fruity.
I just put them into a damp papertowel in a glass plate covered by a glass bowl on a seedling mat set to 78° F
Less than 48 hours all have popped with a decent taproot. Transplanted to solo cups filled with FF happy frog.
Planning on daily updates for this journal so stay tuned
Hey, from reddit.
I just wanted to say that I have 2 other seeds that I planted about 15 days ago so about the same age as yours and I just transplanted them to 5 gal fabric pots since the roots were getting root bound. Maybe a good idea to check? I had holes in my cups so that's how I checked for my roots. Anyways things look good. Happy growing
I looked through some of your grows. It appears to me that every time after a heavy ozone treatment the plants r too stressed and turn into Hermaphrodites.
Se las ve sanas con un verde radiante, suerte con lo que te queda y feliz cultivo!
Si tienes un minuto puedes visitar mi Mr Nice G13 X Hash Plant en mis diarios.