Sprayed with em5 and silica this morning at lights off. Today they got their first 13 hours of darkness and now they're starting their first 12 hour light period.
I've been adding 1ml of silica per gallon with each watering as well as 1ml of calmag per gallon and 1/32 of the buid a soil wetting agent quillaja or something like that.
Day 50 were flipping to flower. These are some slow girls but hoping things pick up in flower!
Hoping for some fire!
D 52 added rechargebtheyve grown an inch overnight which is huge for these babies 👶
D 53 added 1 tbs of the 4-4-4 dr earths and the flower girl along with some mixed up soil. Something from focfarm lost track of what.
Hey, from reddit.
I just wanted to say that I have 2 other seeds that I planted about 15 days ago so about the same age as yours and I just transplanted them to 5 gal fabric pots since the roots were getting root bound. Maybe a good idea to check? I had holes in my cups so that's how I checked for my roots. Anyways things look good. Happy growing
I looked through some of your grows. It appears to me that every time after a heavy ozone treatment the plants r too stressed and turn into Hermaphrodites.
Se las ve sanas con un verde radiante, suerte con lo que te queda y feliz cultivo!
Si tienes un minuto puedes visitar mi Mr Nice G13 X Hash Plant en mis diarios.