I just put them in the end-containers...
after my treatment with h2o2 (probably without any sense lol), I put them in the RDWC, 2x 40L one 40L reservoir, I cut the roots of some of them, although I think it wasn't neccesary.. I thought there may be some dead root matter tangled up , cause I had to rip some of the Ladys apart, so I cut about 1/3 off to get the dead roots out of the way basically...
and the critical mass has to make up anyway.. so I thought.. why not cut some roots off of the strong ones (lol).
to my surprise the h2o2 caused some slime on the roots... I had some problems with minor sliming in the aero cloner, and brown roots cause of temps, but after all I really think that was normal.. nothing I could not solve with a water change.. but I was also pretty lazy... had PH problems, etc....
but now, after 2 days in the RDWC, I can see new white roots growing out.. so everything should be fine from now on.
The Critical looks kinda.. well poor..
Lamp hangs over 3 feet away on minimum dim... a bout 180W or so...
it is still only waterfall , my pump (600l/h) should be stronger once I get it set up right...
Still not sure If I go with micro sprayers or just leave it at some4mm holes for the waterfall.. I think a few holes and the bubbling from the water falling through the holes into the pond, could be even better than sprayers...
I got an air pump too, but no stones Yet... IDK If I should go the safe route with air stones or keep waterfallin'...
oh and I plan on doing a timelapse once this grow is done.. including IR night footage:)
put in an update:)
My res temp is right now at approx room temp (29°), hope that won't make any Problems. with LED I think that temp should be needed, so IDK if I can get it any lower realistically.
thinking about bennies... so far the roots look real nice.. 4 days since the previous pictures.
I think I treated the whole RDWC, about 100L with 1ml/L h2o2 as it was sitting around a few days waiting for the clones... then nutes added.
the roots really get going right now... and wow. I am glad I chose the Purple Kush clone.
this Plant is just the most robust thing I've ever seen In my Growing days. should be great for outdoors. (where she came from too).
I had so many PH-nutes bad soil problems, and this was the only mother, that had the most power left out of them all, not even worth comparing with the rest... also the fastest to recover.
as the other mothers barely made it with any green left, the PK really was surviving like a champ!
look at the new root growth, after just 4 days.... I cut roots off of the big PK and the big Blue dream. (only before the final RDWC setup, not planing to do this again).
even the little critical mass is starting to put out new growth... I think first real defoliation will happen in a few days or so. some old and damaged leaves have to go soon.
lamp still on lowest setting, and I got some pictures from my added timelapse cam... still setting up that thing, and finding the best position to fixate it finally. and thinking about how to fix it properly...
I had some IR LED lying around I think those were 850nm ones.. I just removed the cam-lens with a non IR filter one and boooy.. when just using one of the LEDs it is bright as fuck. I think the LED has somewhere between 2 and 3 watts .. seems like plenty of IR light for night photos... I plan on changing it to 940nm LED though.. cause I am worried about too close wavelengths at night time:)