They are not stretching as expected they are getting really bushy maybe due to the first 2 weeks the light being about 40 cm close.
Middle one doing better maybe due to getting a mix of both lights more directly.
Im riddled to find out what happened to this one i think the soil is overly saturated the pot has been really heavy for 4 days and i have not watered it at all for that time
They have started to smell slightly
Day 21 and last day of week 3 add an old hps and started to use it to improve temperatures.. plants reacted immediatly ( Day time is now 26ºc Night time 22ºc)
Hi i feel that the soil on my amesia auto is really saturated has the pot has been heavy for a week and i gave it half litre of solution as i thought it might have been a ph issue, only two things come into my head overfeeding and overwatering, can it be a disease?
Also increase your room temp to 25 dont water again till pots feel light they will take a while to uptake all feed they are only small plants in what looks like an 11 ltr pot
@Greendragon1, 4 days and waiting, those leaves they really look like they were atacked by broadmites but they are not glossy at all :/ idk.. will just wait patiently and check it under the microscope this week
Chernobyl, they should be fine in them pots they will grow into them just let soil dry out till leaves start to droop a little leaving the soil to dry will allow more oxygen to roots
@Greendragon1,Thanks for the advice its high winter here and its really cold, i didnt want to add more light because i was looking for some stretch but i went with your call, also will transplant the saturated plant into a new pot, and added an hps to the grow im getting about 24ºc now, All my plants are doing really good except that one
I’m a new first time grower in my 2nd week. How much water should I be using per day? I’ve been told conflicting things. Some say to hardly water at this point (100mls every other day) Others do like you, .13 gall per day. Which is best?
I’m growing my autos in my 5 gallon bagpot
Any tips appreciated, Thanks all!
Looking good friend great work on the first try. Doing a lot right and can only improve, If you have not gotten them already get yourself a PAR meter & a thermal laser temp gun like the fluke 62 MAX to better read your plants and grow to their needs. Also research VPD, Vapor pressure deficit and how it relates to growing cannabis it is a great tool for all growers to learn from the start. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have if you should need any help. I am always willing to help out. Check out my 200 light 7,000 plant diary & follow my profile. We will be posting a youtube tutorial series soon so sub to my channel! Happy growing friend!