The Cali Bay Dream is starting to shape up to be my favorite plants. They train well the grow great and easy, and the structure is shaping perfectly with minimal effort.
The light was transitioned to a 12/12at the beginning of the week and so far the stretch has been minimal because I've found if you top 1 week prior to flower you get really dense and Thigh packed buds on the new growth as the plant matures in flower. I hope this proves to be true as the plants start stretching for flower.
Watering in at 6.0-6.2. And at a rate of .5gal over a 2 day period until the ladies start drinking more.
@Pr3m_85, she doubled in size from veg to week 3 flower (end of stretch). Her overall height was 28inches from medium surface to tip of the bud. I also had defoliated lollipopped and managed height using the light to the best of my abilities.