everything seems to be growing well! seems to have recovered great, is stretching well the color looks great! I have 3 other growing plants that follow the same diet but they seem to have suffered. she, on the other hand, looks very healthy.
Day 40
Flowering begins! I can say I see her healthy. this is because, not having given her a green sensation with water regulated by ph down but only water with ph down, she was regular at 6.5 for all weeks. this suggests the importance of checking the values every time I change something in the power supply.
keep following me to see the progress. I like it and leave an opinion or some advice. good luck and happy day 🌱💚
@Sour_D, thank you! yes she has always been healthy! the project is to do photoperiodics, to understand even better how the plant works and learn as much as possible. as strains I chose RQS El Patron and Purple Queen 💚🌳