She's ripening up pretty quick, I'd say she'd be done in the next week or 2 but a few days ago she looked a month away 🤣 like 1% darkened pistils and 20% milky trichs turned into 50%+ pistils and 80%+ trichs in the last 4 days or so, still not equipped to take good close ups so sorry about that growmies, but I can see them pretty good with my little pocket microscope. Anyway, been strictly water since the last update, and will stay that way, I've been letting her suck every bit of goodies out of the leaves and watching the pretty colors lol, I feel like in the past I've freaked out and tried to fix these late stage deficiencies and made things worse, I'm just pulling leaves as they die completely this time and my buds are getting fat and dense (which is what we all care about the most right?). Took a pic this morning before plucking dead leaves, which I did before my pics last week, and pics afterward, so you can see the progression and time frame, I feel like at this rate she's going to finish with no fans a bunch of sugar leaves and juicy buds 😅 I'm stoned and rambling, happy growing fam!
My plant sprouted 5 days ago, because of temps last night I left the light on and will for the next few days to maintain temp. Its an autoflower but I like having a dark period for my autos. Will it hurt anything if I go back to 20/4 or should I let it ride?
It will not hurt, 20/4 is a great light schedule. Honestly, don't worry about transitioning it or anything it is an auto and will not mind, especially at this early stage.
Looks like she is about to start bloom, very exciting my friend. Looking very strong happy and healthy. Keep up the amazing progress, good luck stay safe happy growing cheers!!!!!
@Toastdtoast, any time, it's good stuff 👍 I really enjoy growing with it. I was so tired of the whole ph testing and fluctuations issues with the synthetic nutes
@Cyrusdavirus, thanks brother! Man I love this Earth Dust, thanks for the tip! I used the median doses and have just a bit of tip burn, growth has been fantastic!
Looks great 👍 because living soil is considered slow release it's pretty normal for plants to eat from some of the bottom leaves during stretch and start of flower. Tea is what I would have done too
@Cyrusdavirus, Right! I love this stuff, I have some cooking for the last 3 weeks and gonna pot another plant soon as I chop Sharon fully, I haven't started a new diary yet but I have 3 2g pots in there right now, will be 4 😁 FB Blackberry, FB Gorilla Glue, Mephisto Samsquanch OG x Forum Stomper, and will either put another of these or my last Orange Sherbet bean!
I don't think you hurt it , allowing the soil to dry does hurt the microbes and slows them making food but I doubt it got that dry that they were all affected it takes a long time for the middle to dry