Day 31: This week went well, took the first couple fan leaves off today, the PP is still looking very strong and perfect. LST'ing the branches to maximize the space is going well, I really like the grommets I added to these grow bags.
She's showing pistils and starting flowering, and is a pretty nice size compared to my previous plants which I over stressed.
Thanks so much for the support!
Once I have a few more of these diaries under my belt the information and pictures will be more consistent and regular.
Loving your products so far; I'm at 8/8 germination rate at the moment.
Thanks, I'm really happy with them.
Some people have said they don't hold up well outside, but for inside they are pretty ideal and come in larger sizes then what i bought. I'm considering buying the larger size so as to keep the seedlings in a higher humidity environment longer. These ones are good for the first two weeks.
@DEVS_GENETICS, Me too, running mostly their stuff for the next couple years in this 6 plant cycle. So far I'd highly recommend the Girl Scout Cookies to anyone who wants a motivating cerebral high.
Thanks! There's some more info on the hardware and construction in my 4x4 closet journal;
I needed something that could dry one plant at a time in a 2 week span. It's working perfectly, the branches begin to almost snap around day 12 and are snapping at day 14, with the weed itself somewhere around 62-65% when it goes into the bag to cure.