
Auto Brooklyn Sunrise

3 years ago
Custom GrowBox
Room Type
Plagron royalmix
Grow medium
Rhizophagus irregularis
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
0.15 L
Grow Conditions
Week 1
20 hrs
Light Schedule
14+ conditions after
Commented by
Elodin Elodin
3 years ago
Hello friends, welcome to my grow diary for Dutch Passion’s Auto Brooklyn Sunrise, also check out my grow diary for the plant growing alongside it, 00Seeds Auto California Kush. Just to put this upfront; these two are my very first grow diaries so I hope I can deliver a diary with insights into my growing style. I’m open to any suggestions for improvement so if you have any thoughts or questions please let me know and I’m sure I’ll respond. I’m a somewhat experienced grower with around 30 harvested plants (I usually grow between 2-4 plants at a time) so far. My Setup: - Tent: A custom build grow cabinet made from spruce wood and white/black poly foil tacked to it. It fits perfectly in my kitchen and also extends my countertop space. - Light: EnFun EF-2000 (Full spectrum LM301B, 240 true Watt) - Pots: 11l (~3g) plastic pots - Substrate: Plagron royalmix + Mykorrhiza (Rhizophagus irregularis) - Fertilizer: Plagron alga Grow, alga Bloom & green sensation - Techniques: Due to limited height of my GrowBox I heavily LST - Ventilation: 4x PC fans pushing air in, passive out, no filtering Before planting I reset my GrowBox by thoroughly cleaning it, then disinfecting it first with hydrogen peroxide then with Isopropanol to get it as clean as possible. I usually use my own grow substrate (based on peat and vermiculite) but this time I wanted to try how Plagron’s royalmix would compare. This is also my first grow using Plagron’s organic alga fertilizers. Before I mostly used their terra line. After germinating the seeds in a paper towel I planted them in 11l (~3g) pots but not directly in the heavily fertilized royalmix but I dug a little hole and filled it with Canna Terra Seed Mix where I buried the sprouted seed in to provide a buffer for it. The Plagron royalmix feels and looks like a great substrate. It’s very airy or fluffy and seems like a good alternative to my own mix. Since it’s winter and humidity is low I added humidity domes (Old yoghurt pots) over the seedlings. My light dimmer is set to 6.5 which provides a PPFD of 316 μmol/m² measured under the humidity dome. That’s a DLI around 26.5 mol/m²d. I PH my water to around 6.5 with crystalline citric acid which is cheap, especially if you buy it in larger quantities, and it’s excellent to use around the house for cleaning too. I’m stoked to find out what challenges this run will bring with it. I’ll update these diaries constantly as things happen! ⁂ Day 2-3: I’ve gotten a little mutant! Never seen this before but the first set of true leaves has deformations and there’s some white.. stuff.. growing out of the tips of the leaves. I pondered discarding the plant but since it’s the first and only Brooklyn Sunrise seed I’ve got, I’m willing to give little Frankenstein here a chance to grow up. I contacted Dutch Passion about this to see if they know what’s up. The friendly team member has never seen this either but he’ll forward the pictures to Dutch Passion’s specialist. They also very generously offered to send me a replacement seed if this plant turns out bad. ⁂ Day 5: The first leaves with their abnormal tips grew in size and the new growth coming out looks like it does not have any deformations but it’s early to tell. Notice how one of the cotyledon has some spots that are lighter in color which are raised like they bubbled up somehow. Day 7: Despite it’s slight deformities the plant seems to be growing fine so far. The plant is getting to big for the small yoghurt cup humidity dome. I’ve taken it off for an hour or so yesterday and two hours today to get the young plant acclimated to life without it’s humidity dome.
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love_2_growcommentedweek 03 years ago
Best of luck with your grow, buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
Elodincommented3 years ago
@love_2_grow, Thanks mate! First time ever doing a grow diary!
myxomatozcommentedweek 03 years ago
good luck with your grow mate !!! 😎
homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
cannapassioncommentedweek 13 years ago
Good Luck with your grow 👌
ExoticoSativocommentedweek 13 years ago
Buena suerte mi amigo ♥️
LittleJohncommentedweek 13 years ago
Good luck and hppy growing💚😋🌱
DeruBhuecommentedweek 13 years ago
Great diary lots of info 👍 thanks
clueless_smokercommentedweek 13 years ago
Good luck buddy, I'm using plagron lightmix and it's doing great so I'm curious to see how the royalmix goes for you!
Kynarethcommentedweek 03 years ago
plants looking great
AsNoriucommentedweek 13 years ago
Using Plagron ... That's all I needed to see, some books are read, some most important missed, life will teach.... All the Best ! Hope one day you will be proud if someone calls you Mad hippy , instead of current - Boring nerdy geek ;))))))
AsNoriucommented3 years ago
@Elodin, have you grew something already ... Nahhh , just mentioning my name again FOR NOTHING !!!! Hard facts and personal proves is all that matters, you screw up, enough, just enjoy, if you won't touch me , I will NEVER text you back. All the Best in Wonderful adventure of Growing WEED !!!
Elodincommented3 years ago
@AsNoriu, Stop harrassing me and get over your ego.
AsNoriucommented3 years ago
@Elodin, so be kind and don't start conversations with my nickname FIRST in public. You have chat if you wanna discuss PERSONALLY. Now till you grow some buds and came make me a wish ;) I send you my final thought about no flush and Plagron nutes used together ...
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Coopmccommentedweek 13 years ago
I am interested in Plageron looks like good stuff and will allow me to complete my Fox Farm boycott
Coopmccommented3 years ago
@Elodin, Monsanto bought out Fox Farm I hate Monsanto
Elodincommented3 years ago
@Coopmc, I'm satisfied by their quality! Any reason for your boycott? :)