Stickcommentedweek 17 years ago
Hi there! Wrong pH, overwatering and a hot environment made your plant look very sad, but she's not dead yet so it's time to react quickly and save her! First, I would let the soil dry because it looks very wet, roots need to be in a dry/wet cycle to develop properly and spread to search for water. Secondly, try to decrease your temperature, hot temps and high relative humidity lead to curly leaves and unhealthy plant, try to stick to 25°C with a 50% relative humidity level. Finally, stop giving any nutrients until new healthy leaves/stems appear, such young plants don't need anything but a good environment and maybe some roots-stimulator, so wait until the 3rd node has developed to give her fertilizers. Hope this helps, keep us up-to-date so we can help you adjusting your parameters, and happy growing! 👊