Placed seed in water glass for 24 hours and then transferred to paper towel inside a zip-lock bag. Placed on seedling mat set to 82 degrees and covered with a towel to block out light. Took a couple days to sprout.
When we purchased some houseplants from big box store, they came in plastic pots with a wick to bring moisture to the soil. Used those pots to plant my seeds in. First watering was compost tea made up of worm castings, compost, seaweed extract and molasses (aerated for 24 hours).
Live in Phoenix metro and used a seed starting mix purchased from Arizona Worm Farm to plant the germinated seed. Kept seedling on heat mat and covered the top of the pot with the baggie that held the paper towel. I probably could have (should have?) planted the seed sooner because when I planted it, the root was already > 1" long. Because of that it only took 24 hours to pop out of the soil.